Large Language Models and The End of Programming - CS50 Tech Talk with Dr. Matt Welsh YouTube 1hour
We've been trying to make programming easier for 50 years - It's not got easier - Humans suck at this
- Conways Game of life in -> Fortran 1957 -> Basic 1964 -> APL 1966 (special keyboard) -> Rust 2010 (State of the art) (it's still HARD!)
- Nobody can write an algorithm for "Summarise a Podcast"
- Instructing the model is similar to coding - trial some things
- We are not at a point where we can give language instruction and understand them ... programming is dead
- Programmer without co-pilot in 2020 (caveman) -> 2021 CoPilot is a gamechanger
- Breaking off to StackOverflow and finding the best solution get's you out of the zone of solving your problem
- https://allpoetry.com/poem/14374597-The-Homework-Machine-by-Shel-Silverstein
- Average professional programmer outputs 100 lines of code a day and (for everything - costs $1200) - GTP tokens are 100 times cheaper
- Robot makes mistakes - but they make them VERY quickly
- No need to have abstractions (and refining these) or intermediates.
- How do we get the computer to do what we want it to do - how do we prompt/use the models? refine them?
- "Let's think step by step" was a magic phrase for a model prompt - why? - we don't know - teaching the models is going to be a new discipline
- New computational architecture
- https://www.fixie.ai/ (build apps with ai)
- ai.jsx (to map plain english/react to link to llm) - composing operations is natural thing
- voice as communications (not typing)
- https://www.fixie.ai/ (build apps with ai)
- Expands "Programming" to the entire population
How principled coders outperform the competition 10min YouTube Coderized
- [styleguide]
- [solid]
- [design-patterns]
- Naming
- [testing]
- [software-engineering] time management
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand Martin Fowler
Essays on programming I think about a lot
- Computers can be understood
- Choose Boring Technology
- The Wrong Abstraction
- Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names
- The Hiring Post
- The Product-Minded Engineer
- Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend
- Repeat yourself, do more than one thing, and rewrite everything
- The Law of Leaky Abstractions
- Reflections on software performance
- Building Robust Systems with ACID and Constraints, Using Atomic Transactions to Power an Idempotent API, Transactionally Staged Job Drains in Postgres, Implementing Stripe-like Idempotency Keys in Postgres.
- Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods
- End-to-End Arguments in System Design
- Inventing on Principle
22 YouTube Channels To Level Up Your Programming Skills - more of an overall guide about how to become a dev
#1 Thing to Learn to Become a Self-Taught Programmer - Your knowledge of the syntax wont get you the job. The ability to produce a desired outcome will.
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years - Why is everyone in such a rush?
8-Bits of Advice for New Programmers (The stuff they don't teach you in school!)
- fast simple dev environment
- break the rules (write difficult to maintain code, so you understand when an improvement is made)
- get it wrong
- don't listen to the internet
- get things wrong
MockMechanics - Programming with physical objects in 3D sandbox - Java
- Why Programming is Hard to Fundamentally Improve
- Discussion about why we keep using similar tools and not 'super innovating' all the time. A rational perspective. Programmers are not lazy, they are being realistic.