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Paolo Di Tommaso edited this page May 5, 2014 · 1 revision

Get started with T-Coffee debugging in Eclipse enviroment.

4 | Debugging with Eclipse

Eclipse provides an amazing debugging environment that enables you to set breakpoints on code, inspect variables, registers value, stack call trace, and many other advanced features.

To start a debugging session:

  1. Open a source file navigating the project structure on the left pane.
  2. Set one o more breakpoints double clicking on the gutter on the left side of the editor pane.
  3. Launch T-Coffee in debug mode using the "Run > Debug" command on the main menu or clicking the Debug icon on the toolbar.

Starting the debugging session Eclipse will switch into the "Debug" perspective, and T-Coffee will launched and stopped on the first instruction line of the main function to give you the opportunity to begin the debugging.

From here you can execute the code step-by-step (F6 key), step-into functions (F5 key) or step-out (F7 key) or resume the execution (F8 key).

When the program is stopped at a breakpoint you inspect variables value and other details.

Eclipse Tutorial