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Eclipse Development

Paolo Di Tommaso edited this page May 5, 2014 · 1 revision

Get started with T-Coffee development in Eclipse environment.

3 | Basic T-Coffee development with Eclipse

Let run your first build:

  1. Make sure that the T-Coffee item is highlighted in the project structure pane on the left.
  2. Select the "Project > Build Project" command on the Eclipse main menu or click the hammer icon in the top toolbar.
  3. The build process will start and the output displayed in the Console pane on the bottom.
  4. The produced t_coffee binary executable will appear in the Binaries node in the project structure pane on the left.

If in the console window appears the message:

make: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.

It is likely that you have entered an invalid path the folder containing the makefile. Open the "Properties" dialog and check the step Configure the build makefile on the Eclipse Configuration.

How run T-Coffee in the Eclipse environment

Highlight the t_coffee binary in the project structure on the left pane and select the "Run > Run" command from the Eclipse main menu - or - the green Execute icon in the top toolbar.

Only the first time you will requested to choose the run configuration, select gdb/mi from the dialog box that will be displayed.

You should see the T-Coffee output in the Console window in the bottom of Eclipse screen.

To enter any argument on the T-Coffee command line, select "Run > Run Configurations " from the Eclipse main menu, choose "t_coffee" under "C/C++ Application node" node on the left tree control, click on the "Arguments" tab and enters the command line string.

When finished click "Run" to execute T-Coffee with the specified command line arguments.

Source navigation

You can browse the source code and open symbols declaration (i.e. functions, macros, variables, etc) just clicking identificators in the source code while pressing the CTRL key on the keyboard (CMD on Mac) .

In this way you can "navigate" the sources just like browsing a web page.

To enable this behavior make sure that you have all Editor Scalability options disabled in your Eclipse Preference

Select "Window > Preferences " from the main menu ("Eclipse > Preferences" on Mac) and choose "Scalability" editor options on tree control in the dialog page.

Then remove the checkbox on "Disable live parsing" like the following picture.

Eclipse Debug | Eclipse Tutorial