data class Vector(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, t: Time)
A 3D Cartesian vector whose components are expressed in Astronomical Units (AU).
Vector fun Vector(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, t: Time) |
Name | Summary |
angleWith fun angleWith(other: Vector): Double Calculates the angle in degrees (0..180) between two vectors. |
div operator fun div(denom: Double): Vector Divides a vector by a scalar. |
dot infix fun dot(other: Vector): Double Takes the dot product of two vectors. |
length fun length(): Double The total distance in AU represented by this vector. |
minus operator fun minus(other: Vector): Vector Subtracts one vector from another. Both operands must have identical times. |
plus operator fun plus(other: Vector): Vector Adds two vectors. Both operands must have identical times. |
toEquatorial fun toEquatorial(): Equatorial Given an equatorial vector, calculates equatorial angular coordinates. |
toHorizontal fun toHorizontal(refraction: Refraction): Spherical Converts Cartesian coordinates to horizontal coordinates. |
toObserver fun toObserver(equator: EquatorEpoch): Observer Calculates the geographic location corresponding to a geocentric equatorial vector. |
toSpherical fun toSpherical(): Spherical Converts Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates. |
unaryMinus operator fun unaryMinus(): Vector Negates a vector; the same as multiplying the vector by the scalar -1. |
withTime fun withTime(time: Time): Vector Creates a new vector with the same coordinates but a different time. |
Name | Summary |
t val t: Time The date and time at which this vector is valid. |
x val x: Double A Cartesian x-coordinate expressed in AU. |
y val y: Double A Cartesian y-coordinate expressed in AU. |
z val z: Double A Cartesian z-coordinate expressed in AU. |