fun toHorizontal(refraction: Refraction): Spherical
Converts Cartesian coordinates to horizontal coordinates.
Given a horizontal Cartesian vector, returns horizontal azimuth and altitude. IMPORTANT: This function differs from Vector.toSpherical in two ways:
- toSpherical returns a lon value that represents azimuth defined counterclockwise from north (e.g., west = +90), but this function represents a clockwise rotation (e.g., east = +90). The difference is because toSpherical is intended to preserve the vector "right-hand rule", while this function defines azimuth in a more traditional way as used in navigation and cartography.
- This function optionally corrects for atmospheric refraction, while toSpherical does not.
The returned object contains the azimuth in lon. It is measured in degrees clockwise from north: east = +90 degrees, west = +270 degrees.
The altitude is stored in lat.
The distance to the observed object is stored in dist, and is expressed in astronomical units (AU).
refraction | Refraction.None: no atmospheric refraction correction is performed. Refraction.Normal: correct altitude for atmospheric refraction. Refraction.JplHor: for JPL Horizons compatibility testing only; not recommended for normal use. |