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Design Doc ‐ Blob filtering and on‐the‐go pruning based on filtering predicates

Akash Mittal edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 1 revision


  • AIDB should support on-the-go filtering of rows (blobs or derived rows) based on the filtering predicates.
  • Maintain the code readability


Main Idea:

One very simple way of achieving this can be:

Changing how we prepare the inputs for the next inference engine here


  • Convert the filtering predicates in the query in CNF form.
  • All the tables/columns that are not the output of any inference service are assumed to be meta tables.
  • Determine the set of filtering predicates that can be satisfied using the currently executed inference engines. Initially, filtering predicates related to meta tables are taken.
  • Generate a SQL query based on the current set of filtering predicates.
  • Execute the SQL query to prepare the inputs for the next inference engine.


Let's say the query is:

FROM blobs, objects, obj_colors
WHERE blobs.time > 10 and objects.type = car and obj_colors.color = red

Inference engine order will be [object -> color]

  • Execute the query to get the inputs for object inference service
FROM blobs
WHERE blobs.time > 10
  • Execute the query to get the inputs for color inference service
FROM blobs, objects
WHERE blobs.time > 10 and objects.type = car