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Michael Hlt edited this page May 10, 2021 · 4 revisions


Stage 1

→ Develop first version for XR Belgium

  • Rebels Manager is the current platform for XR Belgium ✔
  • First open source contributions ✔
  • Interest from XR IST (International Support Team), eager to help with recruitment and financing, and to have a dashboard giving them a global view of the rebellion activity ✔

Stage 2

→ Open for contributions

  • Published the code on to get more open source contributions ✔
  • Created an Open Collective, ready to accept financial contributions ✔
  • Interest from other national branches (Sweden, Germany) ✔

Stage 3

→ Focus on bringing more countries on board

  • At least one other country using the Rebels Manager, with documentation to deploy the system on any XR server
  • A team of 5-10 regular open source contributors
  • The project is managed by an international working group

Stage 4

→ Provide an international overview of the Rebellion

  • A first version of the XR IST dashboard, giving an overview of the rebellion in each country (see next page)
  • Emails are written in the Rebels Manager, not in Mailtrain

Stage 5

  • Smart rebel allocation to working groups, based on skills?
  • Detailed overview of rebel training level?
  • Referral Program for speeding up recruitment?
  • Local/Affinity group website management?
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