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fishcute edited this page Dec 6, 2021 · 6 revisions

Cleaned Water

Cleaned water can be created using the UV Sterilizer. Cleaned water can be in any biome, and will prevent Dysentery and Hypernatremia from being applied when the player drinks from the water source. Cleaned water has 3 uses, and as it is used up more, less sparkle particles will be displayed.

Cleaned water will stay if attached to another water source, but will be removed if the water source is destroyed.

Cleaned water, as shown below

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Data Saving

Tough as Client will automatically save data when you leave a world/server. Note: Data will only save when you log off.

Data will be saved in ".minecraft/tough_as_client/(world/server)".

Saving data toast on a world


Saving data toast on a server


Data Loading

Tough as Client will automatically load data when you join a world/server. When you join a world/server for the first time, you will not recieve the loading toast.

The data file will only be created when you log off.

Loading data toast on a world


Loading data toast on a server


Data Errors

If something goes wrong, you will be sent a toast when you leave/join a world/server. Usually if the mod fails to load data, the file either was messed up/corrupted or there might've been an update to Tough as Client. If the mod fails to save data, something went really wrong.

Status Message

Status messages are used to inform the player of something.

When a status message is played, it will be shown above your right bars (Thirst, Stamina, and Temperature by default)

Status messages can inform the player if they are thirsty, tired, cold/hot, and other things.

A status message at the bottom right of the screen

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Water Types

There are five different types of water types

Water types:

  • OCEAN: Consists of ocean and beach biomes, Gives the Hypernatremia effect when drunken.
  • SWAMP: Consists of the swamp biome, Gives the Dysentery effect when drunken
  • LAKE: Consists of lake, river, and jungle biomes, Has a chance to give the Dysentery effect when drunken.
  • NORMAL: All other biomes, Has a low chance to give the Dysentery effect when drunken.
  • SANITARY: Water cleaned with the UV sterilizer, Gives the Refreshed effect when drunken.

A biome's water type can be determined using the water testing kit


Currently, Tough as Client only supports 1 world language, and the 5 easter egg languages.

More languages may come in the future.

Supported languages:

  • English (US)/en_us
  • Pirate Speak/en_pt
  • ɥsᴉꞁᵷuƎ (uʍoᗡ ǝpᴉsd∩)/en_ud
  • Shakespearean English/enws
  • LOLCAT (Kingdum ov Katz)/lol_us

WIP languages:

  • Anglish/enp (In-game, might need some changes)
  • Deutsch/de_de
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