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Bruce Mitchener edited this page Jan 6, 2014 · 1 revision

See GTLoop for looping, GTProgramControl for program control structure examples, and GTSimplePrograms for simple miniature programs.

Simple Function

(df double (x) (* 2 x))

Output a message

(df hello-world () (post "Hello World!\n"))

Output a slightly more complicated message

(df hello-number (n) (post "Hello number %=!\n" n))

Attach types to arguments

(df hello-number (n|<int>) (post "Hello integer %=!\n" n))

Attach a type to your return (type)

(df double (x|<int> => <int>) (* 2 x))

Use generics for MultiMethodDispatching

(dm hello (x|<int>) (post "Hello integer %=!\n" x))
(dm hello (x|<flo>) (post "Hello floating point %=!\n" x))

Fun with string concatenation

(dm did-you? (thing|<str>) (cat "No! I didn't " thing))
(did-you? "eat all the cookies in the cookie jar")
"No! I didn't eat all the cookies in the cookie jar"

Use def to define variables in your functions (generics too)

(dm formal-hello (name|<str>)
  (def formal-name (cat "mister " name))
  (post "Hello %=\n" formal-name))

Define functions / closures as needed

(df quadruple (x|<int>)
  (def double (fun (y) (* 2 y)))
  (double (double x)))

Collection processing for fun and profit

(dm make-names-stupid (names|<col>)
  (map (fun (the-name) (cat "Smelly " the-name)) names))
(dm insult-many-people ()
  (def people (tup "Santa" "Easter Bunny" "Ringo"))
  (do (fun (name) (post "%s is Smelly!\n" name))
      (make-names-stupid people)))
Smelly Santa is Smelly!
Smelly Easter Bunny is Smelly!
Smelly Ringo is Smelly!


(dc <cat> (<any>))
  (dp bathroom (<cat> => <any>) "dirt")
(dc <dog> (<any>))
  (dp bathroom (<dog> => <any>) "tree")
(set my-cat (new <cat>))
(set my-dog (new <dog>))
(bathroom my-cat)
=> "dirt"

(bathroom my-dog)
=> "tree"
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