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Jakub Šindelář edited this page Sep 12, 2020 · 5 revisions
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#c5f015 Note: Lazy Admin should work on most Windows computers without further changes, but it is being tested only on Windows 10 64-bit ones.

Credential Manager

If you want to save your username and password, which you use to execute commands in Lazy Admin, you need to install CredentialManager PowerShell module, which securely saves and retrieves your credentials from Windows Credential Manager.
You can read more on How to install CredentialManager module page.

#c5f015 Note: This module is installed when you run Lazy Admin installer with command line argument /InstallCredMgr

Local administrator

PowerShell is mainly tool for administrators and most commands require you to be administrator on target machine. For that reason Lazy Admin by default launches elevated (Triggers UAC prompt). Without that, you wouldn't be able to create PowerShell session with alternate credentials or execute most commands.
If you need to not launch elevated, you can either:


Lazy Admin, being modern HTML based application uses UTF-8 encoding and expects to get UTF-8 encoding when communicating with other programs, in this case PowerShell. This can complicate things a bit on Windows machines with different locale than English.
If you encounter encoding problem and PowerShell commands return unsupported symbols �, you need to enable Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support, which can be found under Control Panel and Region settings or you can set it via PowerShell script (reboot required)

function Set-SystemLocaleOverride ([bool]$UTF8)
    if ($UTF8)

    foreach ($Item in $CodePageProperties.Keys)
        [void](New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage -Name $Item -PropertyType String -Value $CodePageProperties[$Item] -Force)

#c5f015 Note: This command is also executed when you run Lazy Admin installer with command line argument /SetUtf8

Supported PowerShell version

  • Latest PowerShell Core
  • Windows PowerShell 5.1

#c5f015 Note: PowerShell Core is installed when you run Lazy Admin installer with command line argument /InstallPwsh

Supported OS

  • Windows 10 64-bit

Now when you have Lazy Admin installed, it is time to learn how to use it. Head over to How to Use page to learn how to use Lazy Admin as end user.

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