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Jakub Šindelář edited this page Sep 12, 2020 · 15 revisions
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Welcome to Lazy Admin Wiki!


Lazy Admin is open source desktop application for both PowerShell developers and users. Whether you want to keep your functions organized and easily accesible for yourself, or you want to bring your functions and scripts closer to your colleagues by bringing them to UI, Lazy Admin is here for you! Create JSON definitions, which may be as simple as name and command block or as complex as multiple commands chained together, passing results to next one, with online help, parameters and more. Deployment should be easy with installer supporting silent installation and other parameters. Couple that with available ADM and ADMX templates to setup your environment in no time!

Lazy Admin transition

Main features

  • Flexible input forms, allowing usage of parameter types: String, Number, ScriptBlock, Switch, Boolean, Select and Multiselect
  • Executed command can be saved to history, where results can be viewed or commands may be run again
  • Results may be exported to CSV or clipboard
  • Additional languages can be loaded externally and may be set via GPO
  • Commands support online service logins, allowing login to services like Azure or Exchange before executing command
  • Commands can display their progress and separate it from results
  • Automatic application and definitions updates

Target audience

  • Single PowerShell user or developer, who wants to access commonly used functions easily
  • PowerShell developer(s), who wants to allow helpdesk staff to use certain scripts and commands without deeper knowledge
  • Multiple PowerShell users or developers, each maintaining their own modules, which are consolidated to application
  • Or anyone who uses PowerShell. Let us know your story and how you use Lazy Admin!

Getting Started

Wiki is split mainly to two parts:

  • Administrators part, for those, who will maintain scripts definitions and probably also underlying functions and scripts.
  • Users part, for anyone who will use it as end user, who runs commands, exports results and so on.

Both should probably start with Downloading and installing. Application comes by default with sample definitions, which you may try to see what is Lazy Admin capable of.

Head over to Download and install page to learn how to install Lazy Admin.

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