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June 2013 OMPI Developer's Meeting

This meeting immediately precedes the June 2013 MPI Forum meeting.



  • Jeff Squyres
  • Ralph Castain
  • Brian Barrett
  • Nathan Hjelm
  • Pavel Shamis
  • Aurelien Bouteiller


  • (stale webex link for Monday)
  • (stale webex link for Tuesday)

Monday discussions

Jeff: Intel Phi appears as an OpenFabrics device, causing warnings from openib BTL (at least in 1.6)

  • Jeff: followup: ticket trac ticket 3626
  • Jeff: followup: 1.6 release in immediate future due to Intel Phi / segv's from customers
  • big discussion understanding the problem
  • we can definitely add settings for this device in the .ini file
  • but choosing to use/not use it...
  • brian is checking into what scif_0 verbs device is for -- more discussion tomorrow

Ralph: MPI_Abort behavior

  • discussion of what Mellanox is proposing
  • Consensus:
    • Mellanox can get their desired behavior with a new ORTE API/flag/whatever
    • Mellanox is proposing a similar change to SLURM / PMI API
    • We decided we don't like this change; Ralph will reply to SLURM list -- specifically about the return status from PMI_Abort:
      • we oppose making a change to the current behavior of returning first non-zero status, and returning a non-zero status if all procs call abort with zero status. The latter is important so the user/script knows that abort was called.
    • We want more info from Mellanox about why they want this change -- we don't see anything in OpenSHMEM that requires this behavior

Nathan: Performance variable (MPI_T_pvar) internal API discussion

  • see attached slides
  • looks pretty good, noted that the variables will be unique to OMPI (vs MPICH)
  • Nathan will send a proposal to the devel list when ready with his prototype
  • will decide about porting to 1.7 when proposed
  • will leave peruse in-place until external users make the transition

Jeff: Mellanox On Demand Paging

  • Jeff brings this up out of curiosity
  • see Mellanox ODP slides
  • might be interesting, don't know the tradeoffs at this time, some skepticism
  • Concerned about the RNR NAK behavior when page is not in HCA TLB cache -- concerned that this will generally happen for large messages
  • how does this fix the intercept-when-memory-leaves-the-process problem? Is the idea that you register [NULL, 2^64]?
  • or is registration supposed to be cheap?
  • Jeff asked linux-rdma list; we'll see what they say.

Aurelien: BTL, mpool, rcache, allocator moved down to the OPAL layer

  • Followup on the meeting from Tennessee
  • George has a build that seem to work (all frameworks moved to opal), but he's not quite done yet
  • SM, TCP, and SELF have been migrated
    • have a FAQ on how to upgrade the reaminder of the BTLs
    • openib BTL compiles, but hasn't been testing
  • What to do with openib BTL?
    • discussion about openib + (udcm and xudcm)
    • remove oob cm as udcm replaces it
    • we can move udcm and be enough for now
  • targeting 1.9

Aurelien: multithreaded TCP BTL experiment status

  • architecture: TCP BTL has hidden progress threads for receives (and possibly sends, but Auri wasn't completely sure)
    • all receives go into a progress thread
    • no support from PML (hidden threading)
  • latency gets a 15% increase (and BW slightly worse)
    • not as good as he expected :-(
    • but non-blocking operations actually occur
  • ack/rendezvous definitely still goes through PML, so it only has background progress once PML progresses past eager (remember that TCP BTL emulates RDMA, so it does a giant PUT once eager is done)
  • this was a good experiment to show that the idea is not good :-)

Nathan: Git vs. Subversion for central Open MPI repository

  • Long discussion
  • Major consensus:
    • Strong resistance to going to a DVCS
    • Less resistance going to hg vs. git, but still strong resistance
    • Big worries about:
      • Needing a central Linus-like figure to control what goes in the code base
      • Repo getting wedged and needing an admin to fix it
    • Consensus: get hwloc and/or MTT to switch (including trac, etc.) and see how it goes for them for 6-12 months

Nathan: MTT

  • He has a MS student working on reporter
  • Jeff will recommend some technologies to look at for a new reporter
  • Step 0: re-do the feature set we have now in a maintainable / extendable way
  • Step 1: talk to Jeff about 100 more features that can be added to the reporter :)
  • Bonus points for re-doing/improving the MTT submission step. Probably not totally necessary, but it could also probably benefit from a refresh.

Jeff: New Fortran with Python generators: during autogen vs. make

  • Consensus:
    • We're ok with scripts running during "make"
    • Python vs. Perl: the Big Concern is that python has had major API and syntax breakages between 2.3 and 2.4, and then again from 2.x to 3.0. Would feel much better if it was done in perl.
  • Jeff will take this feedback to Craig

Ralph: OOB Rewrite

  • gave an overview of new design
  • much discussion of how to handle failures

Tuesday discussions

Jeff/Josh: Early async progress results discussion

  • See slides that were presented (not linked here on the wiki because we might well publish a paper about this stuff) and Josh's notes

Jeff: kill ofud and dr

  • Basically: no one cared
  • Jeff will send RFC about OFUD (done)
  • Asked George if he cared about DR; he didn't. So we killed it.

Pasha: should we have a common place for unreliable messaging?

  • From Jeff:
    • Cisco USNIC BTL will come upstream "soon" (1-3 months?)
    • opal_hotel is a good piece that was separated out already (for timers and retransmission)
    • The usnic BTL has a lot more retrans stuff than just opal_hotel, but I don't know how much of it is specific to usnic vs. what can be generalized.
    • Current plan is to bring usnic btl upstream first and then think about / see what can be generalized.
  • Turns out that Pasha was specifically asking about the common/ofacm stuff

All: Asynchronous progress approaches

  • Brian proposal...

  • Add PML flag: ring doorbell on receiver (i.e., wake them up, even if they're not in MPI)

  • Step 0: add the flag and don't do anything with it :-)

  • Step 1: make the PML and one-sided and (etc.) use the flag

    • Brian thinks new one sided will be able to do this fairly easily
    • Will need to devote some effort to make this do-able in OB1
    • Traditional knowledge: short messages go through normal/today's kind of mechanisms; long messages go through doorbell mechanisms.
    • Might want one-sided to do different kinds of things with the doorbell, because it needs real async progress (e.g., Brian cited send 10 packets the normal way and then send the 11th packet with the doorbell flag).
  • On the sending side, if ring-doorbell is set, the BTL is responsible for sending in a way that wakes up the receiver (e.g., a different QP on the receiver that is blocking on an fd).

  • For BTLs with fd-based blocking progress, we should provide some infrastrcutre so that each BTL doesn't need its own progress thread:

    • e.g., an event base in the BTL base
    • BTL's can register an fd with this event base and a callback to invoke when something happend on that fd
  • Aurelien makes the comment that they have run some tests where they let progress threads float -- i.e., don't bind them -- and they get good performance improvements because the progress thread can take advantage of idle times on processors (e.g., if some process is blocking for some reason)

  • Moving forward

    • Turn on mpi-thread-multiple by default on trunk
    • Today we have the following configure options:
    ^^ This is going away because it's going to always be on
    ^^ Will let Ralph delete this one (he says after oob2 merge)

    ^^ Similar to orte, this will always be enabled, and will go away
    ^^ Don't delete any C code -- just the configure option
    ^^ Jeff will do this
    ^^ This model is broken, so let's remove all this code
    ^^ Removal of C code and configure option
    ^^ Happy dance
    ^^ Brian will do this
    ^^ Change orientation to be enabled by default, and help message
       shows --disable-mpi-thread-multiple
    ^^ Enables the AC_DEFINE that opal-multi-threads used to enable
    ^^ Enables the AC_DEFINE for MPI thread multiple (same as now)
    ^^ Jeff will do this
  • Ralph notes that it will be easier to do the above if we wait for oob2 to come in to the trunk
  • Jeff cites --enable-mpi-thread-multiple + THREAD_MULTIPLE hangs in WAITALL; Nathan volunteers to fix the WAITALL bug
  • Jeff volunteers to do:
    • De-snaggle attribute locks
    • Make an mpi_not_important lock for all "non-sexy" stuff (info, attributes, etc.)
  • Nathan will add BTL doorbell flags (_SIGNALED / _SIGNAL):
    • BTL can say that doorbell is supported
    • individual descriptor flag in a send to say "ring doorbell on remote side"
  • Nathan to make a progress thread in ugi and call up to ob1 -- which will turn up lots of bugs :-)
    • This upcall will be valid to do even --enable-mpi-thread-multiple was not specified -- because this is for async progress, not (strictly) thread multiple
  • Nathan will make ob1 send the BTL flags down for a doorbell send
  • Nathan will add an ob1 opal_output_verbose() for "huh, I seem to have no async BTLs" so that you can see if you have no async progress transports
  • OPAL OBJ will be left as thread safe (via atomics)
  • resolution: all opal and orte (and possibly ompi) classes need to have a thread safe and thread-free interface
    • _st suffix: single thread (i.e., not thread safe variant)
    • _mt suffix: multi thread (i.e., thread safe variant)
      • for functions that have both st/mt, they will both have suffixes
      • other functions (that do not have st/mt versions) will be naked names
    • need to rename all classes that have locking enabled already (e.g., opal_free_list)
    • so today, we go rename all the functions (e.g., opal_free_list functions get _mt suffix) throughout the code base
    • as someone needs the _st version, they go create it and use it as they want to
    • Ralph will do the orte classes
    • Aurelien will do this for the ompi classes

Side notes

  • Pending affinity requests:
    • MCA param to say: bind the thread that calls MPI_INIT, don't bind the entire process
    • Skip mapping on some (specific) set of cores
      • Bonus points for automatically figuring out which core(s) to skip :-)
    • Coalesce progress thread(s) to some (specific) set of cores
    • Might want an affinity option for Aure's comment, above (i.e., let progress threads float)
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