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Jeff Squyres edited this page Sep 2, 2014 · 5 revisions

Notes for the v1.7


  • June 22 commit new features to trunk for 1.7.0
  • June 29 trunk branches to 1.7.0
  • Aug 15th 1.7.0 feature complete
  • Oct 1 release of 1.7.0 (tentative)

Branch point gating

  • ORTE State Machine (Complete)
  • uGNI / Cray XE support
  • Non-blocking Collectives
    • Fortran bindings
    • Implementation of good ones
    • bring in libnbc for basic
  • grdma mpool
  • June 22nd goal for all gating to be in
  • June 29th goal for branching

Topics of Focus

  • Turn ORTE progress thread on by default for now, see what breaks over next few weeks. If all is okay, then remove option
  • BTL Resiliance
    • Failover (PML issue?)
    • Recovery from resource exhaustion
    • Flow control
  • Process failure notification


  • What do we want to test?
    • Need to come up with options list
    • Who can write tests?


  • Open MPI 1.7 release item
  • PML code-forking issue

Stale code check

|| ||= Framework =||= Component =||= Responsible Organization =|| || opal || backtrace || darwin || SNL || || opal || backtrace || execinfo || SNL || || opal || backtrace || none || SNL || || opal || backtrace || printstack || SNL || || opal || compress || bzip || IU || || opal || compress || gzip || IU || || opal || crs || blcr || UTK || || opal || crs || dmtcp || UTK || || opal || crs || none || UTK || || opal || crs || self || UTK || || opal || event || libevent2019 || rhc || || opal || hwloc || external || Cisco || || opal || hwloc || hwloc132 || Cisco || || opal || if || bsdx_ipv4 || rhc || || opal || if || bsdx_ipv6 || rhc || || opal || if || linux_ipv6 || rhc || || opal || if || posix_ipv4 || rhc || || opal || if || solaris_ipv6 || Oracle || || opal || if || windows || HLRS || || opal || installdirs || config || SNL || || opal || installdirs || env || SNL || || opal || installdirs || windows || SNL || || opal || memchecker || valgrind || HLRS || || opal || memory || linux || Mellanox || || opal || memory || malloc_solaris || Oracle || || opal || pstat || linux || rhc || || opal || pstat || test || rhc || || opal || shmem || mmap || Oracle/LANL || || opal || shmem || posix || LANL || || opal || shmem || sysv || LANL || || opal || shmem || windows || HLRS || || opal || timer || aix || IBM || || opal || timer || altix || SNL || || opal || timer || catamount || SNL || || opal || timer || darwin || SNL || || opal || timer || linux || SNL || || opal || timer || solaris || Oracle || || opal || timer || windows || HLRS || || orte || common || pmi || LANL || || orte || errmgr || default_app || rhc || || orte || errmgr || default_hnp || rhc || || orte || errmgr || default_orted || rhc || || orte || ess || alps || LANL || orte || ess || cnos || Defunct (deleted from trunk) || || orte || ess || env || rhc || || orte || ess || generic || rhc || || orte || ess || hnp || rhc || || orte || ess || lsf || rhc || || orte || ess || pmi || rhc || || orte || ess || portals4_shmem || Defunct (deleted from trunk) || || orte || ess || singleton || rhc || || orte || ess || slurm || rhc || || orte || ess || tm || rhc || || orte || ess || tool || rhc || || orte || filem || rsh || IU || || orte || grpcomm || bad || rhc || || orte || grpcomm || cnos || removed from trunk || || orte || grpcomm || hier || rhc || || orte || grpcomm || pmi || rhc || || orte || grpcomm || portals4_shmem || removed from trunk || || orte || iof || hnp || rhc || || orte || iof || mr_hnp || rhc || || orte || iof || mr_orted || rhc || || orte || iof || orted || rhc || || orte || iof || tool || rhc || || orte || notifier || command || removed from trunk || || orte || notifier || file || removed from trunk || || orte || notifier || ftb || removed from trunk || || orte || notifier || hnp || removed from trunk || || orte || notifier || smtp || removed from trunk || || orte || notifier || syslog || removed from trunk || || orte || odls || default || rhc || || orte || odls || process || HLRS || || orte || oob || tcp || rhc || || orte || oob || ud || LANL || || orte || plm || alps || rhc || || orte || plm || ccp || HLRS || || orte || plm || lsf || IBM || || orte || plm || poe || removed from trunk || || orte || plm || process || HLRS || || orte || plm || rsh || rhc || || orte || plm || slurm || rhc || || orte || plm || tm || rhc || || orte || ras || alps || rhc || || orte || ras || ccp || HLRS || || orte || ras || gridengine || Oracle || || orte || ras || loadleveler || IBM || || orte || ras || lsf || IBM || || orte || ras || simulator || rhc || || orte || ras || slurm || rhc || || orte || ras || tm || rhc || || orte || rmaps || ppr || rhc || || orte || rmaps || rank_file || rhc || || orte || rmaps || resilient || rhc || || orte || rmaps || round_robin || rhc || || orte || rmaps || seq || rhc || || orte || rml || ftrm || IU || || orte || rml || oob || rhc || || orte || routed || binomial || rhc || || orte || routed || debruijn || LANL || || orte || routed || radix || rhc || || orte || sensor || file || rhc || || orte || sensor || ft_tester || rhc || || orte || sensor || heartbeat || rhc || || orte || sensor || resusage || rhc || || orte || snapc || full || IU || || orte || sstore || central || IU || || orte || sstore || stage || IU || || orte || state || app || rhc || || orte || state || hnp || rhc || || orte || state || orted || rhc || || ompi || allocator || basic || NVIDIA || || ompi || allocator || bucket || NVIDIA || || ompi || bml || r2 || SNL || || ompi || btl || elan || removed from trunk || || ompi || btl || gm || removed from trunk || || ompi || btl || mx || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || btl || ofud || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || btl || openib || Mellanox || || ompi || btl || portals || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || btl || sctp || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || btl || self || UTK || || ompi || btl || sm || LANL || || ompi || btl || smcuda || NVIDIA || || ompi || btl || tcp || UTK || || ompi || btl || template || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || btl || udapl || Oracle (removed from 1.7) || || ompi || btl || ugni || LANL || || ompi || btl || vader || LANL || || ompi || btl || wv || HLRS || || ompi || coll || basic || UH || || ompi || coll || demo || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || coll || fca || Mellanox || || ompi || coll || hierarch || UH || || ompi || coll || inter || UH || || ompi || coll || self || Cisco || || ompi || coll || sm || LANL || || ompi || coll || sync || removed from trunk || || ompi || coll || tuned || UTK || || ompi || coll || libnbc || SNL || || ompi || common || cuda || NVIDIA || || ompi || common || mx || SNL || || ompi || common || portals || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || common || sm || LANL || || ompi || common || ugni || LANL || || ompi || crcp || bkmrk || IU || || ompi || dpm || orte || rhc || || ompi || fbtl || posix || UH || || ompi || fbtl || pvfs2 || UH || || ompi || fcache || ux || UH '''(probably remove before 1.7)''' || || ompi || fcoll || dynamic || UH || || ompi || fcoll || individual || UH || || ompi || fcoll || static || UH || || ompi || fcoll || two_phase || UH || || ompi || fcoll || ylib || UH '''(no 1.7)''' || || ompi || fs || lustre || UH || || ompi || fs || pvfs2 || UH || || ompi || fs || ufs || UH || || ompi || io || ompio || UH || || ompi || io || romio || Cisco || || ompi || mpool || fake || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || mpool || gpusm || NVIDIA || || ompi || mpool || grdma || LANL || || ompi || mpool || rdma || Mellanox '''(likely removed for grdma)''' || || ompi || mpool || rgpusm || NVIDIA || || ompi || mpool || sm || LANL || || ompi || mtl || mx || SNL || || ompi || mtl || mxm || Mellanox || || ompi || mtl || portals || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || mtl || portals4 || SNL || || ompi || mtl || psm || SNL/Intel || || ompi || op || example || Cisco (removed from 1.7) || || ompi || op || x86 || Cisco (removed from 1.7) || || ompi || osc || pt2pt || remove from 1.7 || || ompi || osc || rdma || SNL || || ompi || pml || bfo || Oracle || || ompi || pml || cm || SNL || || ompi || pml || crcpw || IU || || ompi || pml || csum || removed from 1.7 '''(remove from trunk?)''' || || ompi || pml || dr || removed from 1.7 '''(remove from trunk?)''' || || ompi || pml || example || removed from 1.7 || || ompi || pml || ob1 || LANL || || ompi || pml || v || UTK || || ompi || pubsub || orte || rhc || || ompi || pubsub || pmi || rhc || || ompi || rcache || rb || NVIDIA || || ompi || rcache || vma || LANL || || ompi || sharedfp || dummy || UH || || ompi || topo || unity || Cisco || || ompi || vprotocol || example || UTK || || ompi || vprotocol || pessimist || UTK ||

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