This repo contains the instructions to run the framework developed for the Robothon Grand Challenge 2023.
Check that the correct version of libfranka is installed:
cd ~/git/hrii_gitlab/robotics/franka/libfranka
If the selected branch is not "0.9.2" delete the build folder and execute this commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build .
Note that to make the other hrii sw work you may need to recompile libfranka in the noetic-devel branch
Install the hrii_task_board_fsm package and its dependencies within your catkin_ws source folder. To do so, first download the repos config file.
Then enter the following commands:
git_import_repos robothon_repos.yaml
Test that everything works fine, launching the following command:
roslaunch hrii_task_board_fsm main_fsm.launch
# if you want to run a fake perception node
roslaunch hrii_task_board_fsm fake_perception.launch
In the file config/fsm/default_task_order.yaml you can select the task execution order. You can also define a customized file that will be ignored by git, just create it in the same folder under the name custom_task_order.yaml
To move the robot to a decent initial joint configuration run the command:
mon launch franka_example_controllers move_to_start.launch robot_ip:=