save nav_msgs/Odometry or nav_msgs/Path or geometry_msgs/PoseStamped message of .bag file to TUM/KITTI format.
Description Using ROS system and C++language, refer to CMakeLists.txt for configuration, usually only ROS and cmake need to be installed.
Download this source code into the src folder of your catkin worksapce:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- According to the prompts, modify the parameters in the launch file, including outfile_path, topic_type, topic_name, save_format, rosbag.
<!-- topic_type is [path/odom/pose] which are selected based on nav_msgs/Path or nav_msgs/Odometry or geometry_msgs/PoseStamped -->
<!-- topic_name is TOPIC_NAME of .bag file -->
<!-- save_format is [TUM/KITTI] which is you want to save as--> it
roslaunch bag_to_traj bag_to_traj.launch
Wait for the bag file to finish playing, and the data will be saved to a local text file.
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