The otp-middleware application proxies requests from OpenTripPlanner UI to API (v2.x), enhancing OpenTripPlanner (OTP) with user storage, real-time trip monitoring, and more!
OTP provides multi-modal journey planning, combining transit, biking, walking, and various car options (e.g., Park & Ride) into complete passenger itineraries.
Transportation agencies might want to extend the functionality of their trip planner to improve the overall user experience for their OTP implementation. otp-middleware is a potential way for agencies to fill in those gaps. It provides:
- user management and storage,
- trip monitoring,
- and other features (TODO).
The easiest way to deploy otp-middleware is to use the included Docker Compose configuration.
There are three compose configs. All build upon the "standard" config. The dev
config exposes the Mongo instance, and saves the database data outside of the container. The path the database data is saved to is by default set to the directory homebrew installs Mongo into. This can be changed to any Mongo installation directory. The e2e
configuration also exposes the Mongo instance, and pre-seeds the database using the files in the configurations/e2e-mongo-seed
directory. Please note that the seed files do not work out of the box -- valid auth0 users are needed, and their information needs to be pasted into the seed json files. Fields which require input are clearly marked.
The configurations/default/docker.env.yml
contains a configuration file that makes it easy to get started. However, there are fields which need to be manually set. These fields are clearly marked within the file.
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up
Note: you will need to populate env.docker.yml
, admin-e2euser.json
, api-e2euser.json
and aws-credentials
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.e2e.yml up
OTP Middleware is also suitable for continuous deployment implementations.
To run otp-middleware in a local, development environment:
# Clone the repo.
git clone
cd otp-middleware
# Copy the config template, then make any changes to the file to
# match your local configuration (e.g., database name).
cp configurations/default/env.yml.tmp configurations/default/env.yml
# At this point, you can either package the source code into an
# executable jar, or import and run the code in an interactive
# development environment.
mvn package
java -jar target/otp-middleware.jar configurations/default/env.yml
It's also possible to run otp-middleware via Docker (see Deployment above)
TODO: Add Auth0 setup instructions.
The requesting user type, which determines the level of authorization, is based on the scope provided as part of a user's bearer token.
The bearer token 'scope' claim must contain one of otp-user
, api-user
or admin-user
for the user to be correctly matched to a user held in the database.
A rule must be added to the Auth0 tenant for the scope provided by third parties to be available for authorization within the OTP-middleware. This rule takes the scope value provided by the caller and adds it to the access token.
function (user, context, callback) {
const req = context.request;
// Retrieve scopes either from the parameters or body
const requestedScopeString = (req.query && req.query.scope) || (req.body && req.body.scope);
context.accessToken.scope = requestedScopeString;
return callback(null, user, context);
The follow parameters are used to interact with an OTP server.
Parameter | Description | Example |
OTP_API_ROOT | This is the address of the OTP server, including the root path to the OTP API, to which all OTP related requests will be sent to. | |
OTP-middleware supports triggering certain actions when someone activates live tracking of a monitored trip and reaches a location or is about to enter a path. Actions include location-sensitive API calls to notify various services. In the context of live trip tracking, actions may include notifying transit vehicle operators or triggering traffic signals.
Trip actions are defined in the optional file trip-actions.yml
in the same configuration folder as env.yml
The file contains a list of actions defined by an ID, start and end coordinates, and a fully-qualified trigger class:
- id: id1
lat: 33.95684
lon: -83.97971
lat: 33.95653
lon: -83.97973
trigger: com.example.package.MyTriggerClass
- id: id2
lat: 33.95584
lon: -83.97871
lat: 33.95553
lon: -83.97873
trigger: com.example.package.MyTriggerClass
Known trigger classes below are in package org.opentripplanner.middleware.triptracker.interactions
and implement its Interaction
Class | Description |
UsGdotGwinnettTrafficSignalNotifier | Triggers select pedestrian signals in Gwinnett County, GA, USA |
Bus notifier actions are defined in the optional file bus-notifier-actions.yml
in the same configuration folder as env.yml
The file contains a list of actions defined by an agency ID and a fully-qualified trigger class:
- agencyId: id1
trigger: com.example.package.MyTriggerClass
Known trigger classes below are in package org.opentripplanner.middleware.triptracker.interactions.busnotifiers
and implement its BusOperatorInteraction
Class | Description |
UsRideGwinnettNotifyBusOperator | Triggers select route bus operator notifications in Gwinnett County, GA, USA |
This application allows you to monitor various system components (e.g., OTP API, OTP UI, and Data Tools) that work together
to provide a trip planning service. Each of these should be defined in the config file in the list of
with the following properties:
Parameter | Example | Description |
name | datatools-server |
Name of the system component for display in the OTP Admin UI |
bugsnagProjectId | abcd1234 |
Bugsnag project ID that maps to the system component. After logging into Bugsnag, visit<ORGANIZATION_ID>/projects?sort=favorite&direction=asc&per_page=20 (make sure to add your Bugsnag organization ID) to view a list of projects with their IDs. |
Bugsnag is used to report error events that occur within the otp-middleware application or OpenTripPlanner components that it is monitoring.
These values can be used as defined here (where applicable), or commented out, so the default values are used. Parameters that don't have default values (N/A) can be obtained by following the steps in the next section.
Parameter | Default | Description |
BUGSNAG_API_KEY | N/A | Used to authenticate against Bugsnag's API. |
BUGSNAG_EVENT_JOB_DELAY_IN_MINUTES | 1 | Frequency in minutes to obtain events. |
BUGSNAG_EVENT_REQUEST_JOB_DELAY_IN_HOURS | 24 | Frequency in hours to trigger event requests. |
BUGSNAG_PROJECT_NOTIFIER_API_KEY | N/A | Used to report project errors to Bugsnag. |
BUGSNAG_REPORTING_WINDOW_IN_DAYS | 14 | The number of days in the past to start retrieving event information. |
BUGSNAG_WEBHOOK_PERMITTED_IPS |, | Bugsnag IP addresses which webhook requests are expected to come from. |
Where default parameters cannot be used, these steps describe how to obtain each compulsory parameter.
A bugsnag API key is a key that is unique to an individual Bugsnag user. This key can be obtained by logging into
Bugsnag (, clicking on settings (top right-hand corner) then My account settings
. From here
select Personal auth tokens
and then Generate new token
A Bugsnag project identifier key is unique to a Bugsnag project and allows errors to be saved against it. This key can be obtained by logging into Bugsnag (, clicking on Projects (left side menu) and selecting the required project. Once selected, the notifier API key is presented.
The Bugsnag webhook must be configured for your project, so that errors can be forwarded to the OTP Middleware and to anyone subscribing to get email notifications when errors occur.
To configure the Bugsnag Webhook:
- Select the desired project in the Bugsnag console.
- Under "Integrations and email" select "Data forwarding".
- Under "Available integrations" select "Webhook".
- Enter the URL you would like Bugsnag to push project errors to e.g. :/api/bugsnagwebhook.
More information on the Bugsnag webhook can be found here:
In some restricted environments such as AWS Security Groups, you may need to whitelist the two Bugsnag IP addresses, so that Bugsnag can post error notifications to OTP Middleware and that the errors appear in the admin dashboard. Refer to your cloud service for whitelisting IP addresses.
An IAM access management S3 policy is required in order for an IAM user to write/delete objects on the Connected Data Platform S3 bucket.
The following permissions are required:
- ListBucket
- GetObject
- DeleteObject
- PutObject
- PutObjectAcl
The following snippet is an example policy which can be used/modified to allow access to the CDP S3 bucket:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
In order to run E2E tests, specific configuration and environment variables must be used.
Please note the e2e Dockerfile is not used to run the otp-middleware e2e tests. These are instead used to instantiate a standard otp-middleware instance which can be used by other application's e2e tests.
The standard Auth0 configuration can be used for the server settings. However, some additional settings must be applied in order for the server to get an oath token from Auth0 for creating authenticated requests. A private application should be created for use in Auth0 following these instructions:
One special note is that the default directory must be set at the Account/tenant level. Otherwise, authorization will not be successful. See this StackOverflow answer for more info:
The special E2E client settings should be defined in env.yml
Parameter | Default | Description |
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID | N/A | Special E2E application client ID. |
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET | N/A | Special E2E application client secret. |
Note: Just to reiterate, these are different from the server application settings and are only needed for E2E testing.
Key | Type | Required | Example | Description |
AUTH0_API_CLIENT | string | Required | test-auth0-client-id | API client id required to authenticate with Auth0. |
AUTH0_API_SECRET | string | Required | test-auth0-secret | API secret id required to authenticate with Auth0. |
AUTH0_DOMAIN | string | Required | | Auth0 tenant URL. |
AWS_PROFILE | string | Optional | default | AWS profile for credentials |
AWS_API_SERVER | string | Optional | | For generating the swagger document at runtime. Can be null, however that will prevent tools such as swagger-UI from submitting test requests to the API server. |
AWS_API_STAGE | string | Optional | stage-name | For generating the swagger document at runtime. Can be null, however that will prevent tools such as swagger-UI from submitting test requests to the API server. |
BUGSNAG_API_KEY | string | Required | 123e4567e89b12d3a4564266 | A valid Bugsnag authorization token. |
BUGSNAG_EVENT_JOB_DELAY_IN_MINUTES | integer | Optional | 1 | Bugsnag event job frequency. |
BUGSNAG_EVENT_REQUEST_JOB_DELAY_IN_HOURS | integer | Optional | 24 | Frequency in hours to trigger event requests. |
BUGSNAG_PROJECT_NOTIFIER_API_KEY | string | Optional | 123e4567e89b12d3a4564266 | A valid Bugsnag project API key. |
BUGSNAG_REPORTING_WINDOW_IN_DAYS | integer | Optional | 14 | Specifies how far in the past events should be retrieved. |
BUGSNAG_WEBHOOK_PERMITTED_IPS | string | Optional |, | Bugsnag IP addresses which webhook requests are expected to come from. |
CONNECTED_DATA_PLATFORM_REPORTING_INTERVAL | string | Optional | daily, hourly | Specifies how often to aggregate and upload usage data. Defaults to hourly. |
CONNECTED_DATA_PLATFORM_FOLDER_GROUPING | string | Optional | none, weekly-monday-sunday | Specifies how to organize uploaded files. 'none' puts all uploaded files to the same folder CONNECTED_DATA_PLATFORM_S3_FOLDER_NAME. 'weekly-monday-sunday' creates a folder of the form <CONNECTED_DATA_PLATFORM_S3_FOLDER_NAME>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<YYYY-MM-DD> where the start date is a Monday and the end date is the following Sunday. Defaults to none. |
CONNECTED_DATA_PLATFORM_S3_BUCKET_NAME | string | Optional | bucket-name | Specifies the S3 bucket name for the CDP trip history push. |
CONNECTED_DATA_PLATFORM_S3_FOLDER_NAME | string | Optional | folder-name | Specifies the S3 folder name for the CDP trip history push. |
CONNECTED_DATA_PLATFORM_REPORTED_ENTITIES | object | Optional | { "MonitoredTrip": "all", "OtpUser": "all", "TripRequest": "interval" } | Use 'all' to report all full records. Use 'interval' to report full records whose dateCreated is within a reporting interval (e.g. day, hour). For TripRequest, you can use 'all anonymized' or 'interval anonymized' to anonymize records. Omitted entities are ignored. |
CONNECTED_DATA_PLATFORM_TRIP_HISTORY_UPLOAD_JOB_FREQUENCY_IN_MINUTES | integer | Optional | 5 | CDP trip history upload frequency. |
CONNECTED_DATA_PLATFORM_UPLOAD_BLANK_FILES | boolean | Optional | true | Whether to upload files where no records have been written. Defaults to true. |
CONSECUTIVE_DEVIATIONS_WINDOW_SECONDS | integer | Optional | 30 | A window used in conjunction with tracking update frequency to define a consecutive deviation threshold. |
DEFAULT_USAGE_PLAN_ID | string | Required | 123e45 | AWS API gateway default usage plan used when creating API keys for API users. |
MAXIMUM_MONITORED_TRIP_ITINERARY_CHECKS | integer | Optional | 3 | The maximum number of attempts to obtain a monitored trip itinerary. |
MAXIMUM_PERMITTED_MONITORED_TRIPS | integer | Optional | 5 | The maximum number of saved monitored trips. |
MONGO_DB_NAME | string | Required | otp_middleware | The name of the OTP Middleware Mongo DB. |
MONGO_HOST | string | Optional | localhost:27017 | Mongo host address. |
MONGO_PASSWORD | string | Optional | password | Mongo DB password |
MONGO_PROTOCOL | string | Optional | mongodb | Mongo DB protocol |
MONGO_USER | string | Optional | username | Mongo DB user name |
MONITORED_COMPONENTS | array | Optional | n/a | An array of monitored components. |
NOTIFICATION_FROM_EMAIL | string | Optional | | The from email address used in notification emails |
NOTIFICATION_FROM_PHONE | string | Optional | +15551234 | The from phone number used in notification SMSs. The phone number must be surrounded with quotes to be correctly parsed as a String. |
OTP_ADMIN_DASHBOARD_FROM_EMAIL | string | Optional | OTP Admin Dashboard | Config setting for linking to the OTP Admin Dashboard. |
OTP_ADMIN_DASHBOARD_NAME | string | Optional | OTP Admin Dashboard | Config setting for linking to the OTP Admin Dashboard. |
OTP_ADMIN_DASHBOARD_URL | string | Optional | | Config setting for linking to the OTP Admin Dashboard. |
OTP_API_ROOT | string | Required | | The URL of an operational OTP (v2.x) server. |
OTP_REQUESTS_THREADING_ENABLED | string | Optional | true | Use multi-threading to handle OTP requests and responses. |
OTP_SERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS | integer | Optional | 30 | The maximum time for making requests to OTP. |
OTP_TIMEZONE | string | Required | America/Los_Angeles | The timezone identifier that OTP is using to parse dates and times. OTP will use the timezone identifier that it finds in the first available agency to parse dates and times. |
OTP_UI_NAME | string | Optional | Trip Planner | Config setting for linking to the OTP UI (trip planner). |
OTP_UI_URL | string | Optional | | Config setting for linking to the OTP UI (trip planner). |
PLAN_QUERY_RESOURCE_URI | string | Optional | | Resource location of bespoke plan query. |
PUSH_API_KEY | string | Optional | your-api-key | Key for Mobile Team push notifications internal API. |
PUSH_API_URL | string | Optional | | URL for Mobile Team push notifications internal API. |
SERVICE_DAY_START_HOUR | integer | Optional | 3 | Optional parameter for the hour (local time, 24-hr format) at which a service day starts. To make the service day change at 2am, enter 2. The default is 3am. |
SPARKPOST_KEY | string | Optional | your-api-key | Get Sparkpost key at: |
TRIP_TRACKING_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_SECONDS | integer | Optional | 5 | The expected frequency to receive live journey location data. |
TRIP_TRACKING_MINIMUM_SEGMENT_TIME | integer | Optional | 5 | The minimum segment size in seconds for interpolated points. |
TRIP_TRACKING_WALK_ON_TRACK_RADIUS | integer | Optional | 5 | The threshold in meters below which walking is considered on track. |
TRIP_TRACKING_BICYCLE_ON_TRACK_RADIUS | integer | Optional | 10 | The threshold in meters below which cycling is considered on track. |
TRIP_TRACKING_BUS_ON_TRACK_RADIUS | integer | Optional | 20 | The threshold in meters below which travelling by bus is considered on track. |
TRIP_TRACKING_SUBWAY_ON_TRACK_RADIUS | integer | Optional | 100 | The threshold in meters below which travelling by subway is considered on track. |
TRIP_TRACKING_RAIL_ON_TRACK_RADIUS | integer | Optional | 200 | The threshold in meters below which travelling by rail is considered on track. |
TRIP_TRACKING_TRAM_ON_TRACK_RADIUS | integer | Optional | 100 | The threshold in meters below which travelling by tram is considered on track. |
TRIP_INSTRUCTION_IMMEDIATE_RADIUS | integer | Optional | 2 | The radius in meters under which an immediate instruction is given. |
TRIP_INSTRUCTION_UPCOMING_RADIUS | integer | Optional | 10 | The radius in meters under which an upcoming instruction is given. |
TRIP_SURVEY_ID | string | Optional | abcdef123y | The ID of a survey (on the platform of your choice) for trip-related feedback. |
TRIP_SURVEY_SUBDOMAIN | string | Optional | abcabc12a | The subdomain of a website where the trip-related surveys are administered. |
TRIP_SURVEY_API_TOKEN | string | Optional | abcdef123y | The token for the survey API for downloading responses. |
TRIP_SURVEY_RESPONSES_FILE_PREFIX | string | Optional | trip-survey-responses | The file name prefix for compiled trip survey responses. |
TRIP_SURVEY_RESPONSES_FOLDER | string | Optional | trip-survey-responses | The S3 folder name where compiled survey responses will be uploaded. |
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID | string | Optional | your-account-sid | Twilio settings available at: |
TRUSTED_COMPANION_CONFIRMATION_PAGE_URL | string | Optional | | URL to the trusted companion confirmation page. This page should support handling an error URL parameter. |
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN | string | Optional | your-auth-token | Twilio settings available at: |
US_GDOT_GWINNETT_PED_SIGNAL_API_HOST | string | Optional | | Host server for the US GDOT Gwinnett County pedestrian signal controller API |
US_GDOT_GWINNETT_PED_SIGNAL_API_PATH | string | Optional | /intersections/%s/crossings/%s/call | Optional relative path template to trigger a US GDOT Gwinnett County pedestrian signal |
US_GDOT_GWINNETT_PED_SIGNAL_API_KEY | string | Optional | your-api-key | API key for the US GDOT Gwinnett County pedestrian signal controller |
US_RIDE_GWINNETT_BUS_OPERATOR_NOTIFIER_API_URL | string | Optional | | US RideGwinnett bus notifier API. |
US_RIDE_GWINNETT_BUS_OPERATOR_NOTIFIER_API_KEY | string | Optional | your-api-key | API key for the US RideGwinnett bus notifier API. |
US_RIDE_GWINNETT_BUS_OPERATOR_NOTIFIER_QUALIFYING_ROUTES | string | Optional | agency_id:route_id | A comma separated list of US RideGwinnett routes that can be notified. |
US_RIDE_GWINNETT_BUS_PRIORITY_API_URL | string | Optional | | US RideGwinnett bus priority API. |
US_RIDE_GWINNETT_BUS_PRIORITY_API_KEY | string | Optional | your-api-key | API key for the US RideGwinnett bus priority API. |
VALIDATE_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG | boolean | Optional | true | If set to false, the validation of the env.yml file against this schema will be skipped. |