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ENAPSO Keycloak Role Documentation

Ashesh Goplani edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 5 revisions

Keycloak Roles Documentation

High-Level Roles

We have provided a high-level role structure in the Keycloak environment of ENAPSO services. These could be assigned to the users directly, which would give them access to a set of roles available.

We provide three high-level roles by default:

  • Tenant Admin
  • Standard
  • Reader

Tenant Admin

With this role, the user would be able to manage the tenants in the environment, as it contains all of the roles that are responsible for being a tenant admin.


With this role, the user would be able to use all the API routes of the ENAPSO services, as this high-level role contains all the roles of every API available in the ENAPSO services.


With this role, the user would be able to access all the read functionality routes, as it consists of all the reader roles.

Low-Level Roles

Roles and grouping names of roles are defined in the following table:

The following table shows the mid and low-level role structure:

Service Roles Group Capability name & Role name Description
Individual Management Service individual-management create-individual Send request to create a new individual of a class.
read-individual Send request to get data of all individuals of each class.
update-individual Send request to update data of an existing individual.
delete-individual Send request to delete an individual of a class.
create-individual-relation Send request to create a relation between two individuals using object property.
delete-individual-relation Send request to delete a relation between two individuals using object property.
Ontology Management Service ontology-management get-class-properties Send request to get the class properties which it gets from class restriction and from properties domain.
get-class-own-properties Send request to get the properties of a class, not including ancestor properties.
get-class-properties-by-domain Send request to get class properties from a domain.
get-all-properties Send request to get all properties from a GraphDB repository.
create-data-property Send request to create a new data property.
get-data-properties Send request to get the details of all data properties or a specific data property detail.
create-object-property Send request to create a new object property.
get-object-properties Send request to get details of all object properties or a specific object property detail.
update-property-iri Send request to update the IRI of an existing data or object property.
delete-property-from-restrictions Send request to delete all restrictions of a class where the property is used.
delete-property-from-individuals Send request to delete the property from all individuals.
delete-property Send request to delete the property.
get-sub-classes Send request to get the details of all subclasses of a class.
get-parent-classes Send request to get the parent classes of a class.
get-all-classes-data Send request to get all class data needed to create a JSON for OpenAPI generation.
create-class-with-restrictions Send request to create a new OWL class and also add class restrictions.
add-class-restrictions Send request to add a restriction to any existing class.
update-class-restriction Send request to update an existing restriction of a class.
delete-class-restrictions Send request to delete the specific restriction of a class.
delete-class-model Send request to delete all restrictions of a class.
delete-class-individuals Send request to delete all individuals of a class.
delete-class-model-and-individuals Send request to delete the model and all individuals of a class.
delete-referenced-class-model Send request to delete a reference of a class used with any object property in an OWL class.
delete-referenced-class-individuals Send request to delete the reference individual of that class used with any other class individual.
delete-referenced-class-model-and-individual Send request to delete the reference individual of that class used with any other class individual and also class from any other OWL class restriction.
delete-class Send request to delete a class from the ontology.
get-all-classes Send request to get all classes from the GraphDB repository.
get-sub-classes Send request to get all sub classes of a specific class.
change-class-iri Send request to update the IRI of an existing class.
get-full-prefix-to-iri Send request to convert full prefix to an IRI.
add-label Send request to add a new label to a class, property, or individual.
change-label Send request to change a label of a class, property, or individual.
remove-label Send request to delete a label of a class, property, or individual.
add-comment Send request to add a new comment to a class, property, or individual.
change-comment Send request to change a label of a class, property, or individual.
delete-comment Send request to delete a label of a class, property, or individual.
add-annotation Send request to add an annotation (e.g., label or comment) to any IRI.
change-annotation Send request to update an annotation (e.g., label, comment, or class IRI) to any IRI.
remove-annotation Send request to delete any annotation (e.g., label, comment, or class) to any IRI.
Cache Management Service cache-management build-class-cache Send request to create a cache of all contexts uploaded in the GraphDB repository.
SPARQL Assistant Service sparql-assistant sparql-4-create-individual Send request to create a SPARQL query for adding a new individual.
sparql-4-read-individual Send request to create a SPARQL query to get all details of an individual.
sparql-4-update-individual Send request to create a SPARQL query to update data of an individual.
sparql-4-update-individual Send request to create a SPARQL query to delete the individual of a class.
API Assistant Service api-assistant generate-open-api-specification Send request to create the OpenAPI documentation for CRUD operation of each OWL class.
create-crud-endpoints-4-classes Send request to create the CRUD endpoints of OWL classes runtime on server.
delete-crud-endpoints-Of-classes Send request to server to delete the CRUD endpoints of classes runtime on server.
create-crud-endpoints-4-individuals Send request to server to create the CRUD endpoints of OWL classes runtime on server to maintain individuals.
delete-crud-endpoints-Of-individuals Send request to server to delete the CRUD endpoints of classes runtime on server.
JS Assistant Service js-assistant create-javaScript-classes Send request to create the JavaScript classes of each OWL class.
build-transient-class-cache-4-code-assistants Send request to create a cache for creating JavaScript classes.
GraphDB Management Service graphdb-management create-database Send request to create new repository in GraphDB.
delete-database Send request to delete existing repository in GraphDB.
create-database-user Send request to create new user in GraphDB, assign its role and repository.
update-database-user send request to update the user password, role and access of a repository.
delete-database-user Send request to delete the existing user of GraphDB.
upload-ontology-from-text Send request to upload an ontology to a repository in GraphDB.
replace-ontology-from-text Send request to clear an existing context in a repository of GraphDB and upload new ontology against that context.
upload-ontology-from-file Send request to upload the ontology file to GraphDB repository.
replace-ontology-from-file Send request to replace the existing context from GraphDB repository and upload new ontology against that context.
download-ontology Send request to download the ontology from GraphDB repository.
delete-context Send request to clear a specific context from GraphDB repository.
clear-database Send request to clear all contexts available in GraphDB repository.
Tenant Management Service tenant-management register-tenant Send request to create a new Keycloak realm with unique id and create a repository in GraphDB for a new tenant.
unregister-tenant Send request to delete the existing Keycloak realm and repository in the GraphDB which are registered for that tenant.


The Keycloak Roles Documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the high-level and low-level roles available in the Keycloak environment of ENAPSO services. With the three high-level roles of Tenant Admin, Standard, and Reader, users can be assigned the necessary permissions to manage tenants, use API routes, and access the read functionality. The mid-level/Role Group and low-level/capability in the table provide further customization options for role assignments.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. you can also refer to the official Keycloak documentation for more information.