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Jan Hubička edited this page Jul 13, 2024 · 69 revisions


Color-Screen is a collection of tools for working with scans of additive screen processes of early color photography.

Flowers, Paget lantern slide 8x8cm, ca 1921 (left) and digital color reconstruction (right)

What is an additive color screen process?

Additive color screen processes used panchromatic negative which was exposed through a color screen filter pretty much same was as today CCD and CMOS chips use Bayer filter. The negative was then copied to (black and white) transparency which yield to color picture when viewed through the viewing screen filter.

What we aim for?

Our tool can:

  • Turn scans of negatives taken using additive color screen filters to color photographs with a high degree of color accuracy (relative to colors which was achievable by the analog way).
  • Recover original colors of transparencies which faded or got misregistered. These transparencies sandwich black and white slide with a color screen. If digitized in infrared spectra one can obtain a scan of the slide (screens are transparent) and then re-add the screen digitally.
  • Make the photographs easy to view on digital screen and prints. Scans of additive color screen processes are hard dispay or print because the color screen patterns become more apparent than in the original and colors gets shifted. It is a common practice to digitize them in low resolution or somewhat out of focus to reduce unwanted artifacts or apply various noise reduction tools. We implement special demosaicing algorithms which understand the specific color screen used and produce smoother digital file without losing fine details of the image.

Software packages

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