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Jedd Bellamy-Carter edited this page Mar 29, 2022 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the pepFoot wiki.

Please note this is under construction but is intended to cover usage and tips when using pepFoot.

General Info

PepFoot is intended for analysis and discovery in peptide footprinting, however it may be expanded to encompass more in future releases. PepFoot is released under the LGPL-3.0 license

Watch the video

Please see this Video showing basic PepFoot usage (v1.1.0). You can follow along with example .pfoot datafiles which are available for OmpF1 and USP52 datasets, PXD007207 and PXD004971 respectively.


If you use this software please cite the following article:

PepFoot is currently maintained by Jedd Bellamy-Carter, University of Birmingham. Any queries or improvements to the software should be directed there or by submitting an issue on GitHub.

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