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PepFoot project file (.pfoot)

Jedd Bellamy-Carter edited this page Mar 29, 2022 · 1 revision

PepFoot .pfoot files are a human-readable JSON file. Not all of the data in the .pfoot file is necessary for PepFoot to read them correctly. The keys correspond to the following schema:

Key Description
name Project name
creation date Creation datetime of project
data files List of data files [filepath1, filepath2, ...]
sequence Sequence of protein
length range Peptide length range parameters
charge range Charge state range parameters
enzyme Enzyme used for cleavage
missed cleave Number of missed cleavages
fixed mods List of fixed modifications applied to protein
differential mod Differential modification applied to peptides
peptides 1xN array of peptide ids e.g. 1-15
m/z array 2xN array of m/z ranges for analysis [[unmod m/z, ...],[mod m/z, ...]]
charge array 1xN array of peptide charges
rt array 2xN array of rt ranges for analysis [[unmod rt, ...],[mod rt, ...]]
areas 2xNxM array of area values from analysis [[unmod area, ...],[mod area, ...], ...]
fractional mod NxM array of fractional modification values from analysis
treatment Nested list with indices for data files grouped by treatment [[#, ...],[#, ...]]
pdb file PDB file associated with project
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