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Releases: jw35/tunebook-abc


07 Aug 15:42
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Various Fixes:

  • Fix mistake in Sally Gardens B part bar 6
  • Add support for single row 'C' accordion button tablature
  • Add script to count the number of notes in each tune (bin/
  • Final note on the first line of 0302_the-rakes-of-kildare was F, should be G
  • Fix key (K) header for tunes not in a major key. K was previously set by reference to the key signature assuming everything was in a major key. This wasn't true, and this edit corrects the K fields for those tunes in related keys.
  • Stop cheatsheet columns overlapping and change ordering. A change somewhere caused the columns in the cheetsheets to overlap. In fixing this it became obvious how to simplify cheetsheet processing and appearance by making the alphabetic flow go across the page first, rather than down.


11 Sep 20:31
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Fix transcription mistake in the second bar of The Kesh (3rd note should be B, not c)


09 Sep 19:13
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Rework dulcimer music yet again, again

This edit combines what was dulcimer-tabs-dad.pdf and dulcimer-tabs-dgd.pdf
into a single file dulcimer-tabs-dxd.pdf. This contains TABs for all the
'D' tunes first (assuming D-A-D tuning) and all the 'G' tunes second
(assuming D-G-D tuning) in the same file.


09 Sep 19:12
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Rework dulcimer music yet again

This edit splits what was dulcimer-tabs-d into dulcimer-tabs-dad
and dulcimer-tabs-dgd, containing just 'D' tunes and just 'G' tunes
respectively. dulcimer-tabs-a remains, for the time being.


02 Sep 12:59
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Tweak website home page


02 Sep 12:59
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Fixup existing Dulcimer cheatsheet (for melody strings tuned 'D') and add a cheetsheet for melody strings tuned 'A'.


01 Sep 20:09
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  • Re-work Dulcimer music again. The new plan is to have:

    • Melody tabs (for noter-drone play) for instruments with melody
      strings tuned to particular notes such as 'D' (from DAD) and
      perhaps other notes like 'A' (from DAA)
    • Chords (for chord play) for instruments tuned DAD and perhaps
      other tunings

This edit included DAD chords and 'A' and 'A' melody TABs.

  • Reorganise files to put included .abc fragments and format files to sub-directories

  • Move tab and chord definition/selection into separate .fmt files, one for each output format


31 Aug 15:24
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  • Add an index to the individual instrument versions
  • Fixup some tune file names that had '_' where they should have had '-'


30 Aug 12:46
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Rename some derived files

Names like tunebook-tabs.pdf made sense once upon a time when
this file was the only one containing tabs, but are now looking
silly in the face of lots of different sorts of tabs. Likewise
tunebook-dulcimer.pdf now only contains Dulcimer chords while
tunebook-dulcimer-tabs-dad.pdf contains chords and tabs.

This edit renames several output files to be more specific (and
to include tunings for Whistle and Dulcimer), renames some internal
support files to match, and adds redirects from the old output file
names to the new ones.


29 Aug 13:30
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  • Rework dulcimer versions to omit tabs for tunes not in 'D'

    The dulcimer tabs correctly represented all the melodies, but playing
    tunes in keys other then 'D' was unsatisfactory because the drone
    strings were out of tune.

    There's no easy fix for this. Pro-tem, this fix removes the tabs from
    the existing Dulcimer tunebook (just leaving the cords), and creates
    a new version with both chords and tabs but just for tunes in 'D'.