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1. Setup

This repository contains the code for the paper available at

1.1 Anaconda virtual environment

Create a conda environment named DL_env with all dependencies by running below

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate the created conda env and install autoattack via below

conda activate DL_env
pip install git+

Please note that we used a server with 2 Nvidia GPUs (each with 24 GB memory) for our code below.

2. Evaluating saved models

2.1 standard-training

2.1.1 First, download a model checkpoint from below into standard-training/checkpoints/ (standard training checkpoints from 3 random seeds are stored here)

2.1.2 Then run the corresponding commands for below:

cd standard-training
python --file checkpoints/${File Name} --gpu-id ${N}

where ${File Name} for each result in Table 1 (of paper) can be found below and ${N} is the gpu id (e.g. 0 or 1 or 2).

Dataset Model Batch lr (base) lr (2/L) lr (1/L) ${File Name}
CIFAR10 ResNet 20 5000 0.1 0.5672 0.2836 ${Batch}cifar10_resnet20${lr}.pth.tar
ResNet 50 2000 0.1 0.1852 0.0926 ${Batch}cifar10_resnet50${lr}.pth.tar
ResNet 110 1000 0.1 0.16 0.0855 ${Batch}cifar10_resnet110${lr}.pth.tar
DenseNet 40 2000 0.1 0.3683 0.1842 ${Batch}cifar10_densenet${lr}.pth.tar
CIAFR100 ResNet 50 256 0.1 0.2286 0.1143 ${Batch}cifar100_resnet50${lr}.pth.tar
ResNet 110 256 0.1 0.1381 0.069 ${Batch}cifar100_resnet110${lr}.pth.tar
DenseNet 40 256 0.1 0.191 0.0955 ${Batch}cifar100_densenet${lr}.pth.tar

Here is an example,

python --file checkpoints/5000_cifar10_resnet20_0.1.pth.tar --gpu-id 0
  • First, will generate 10000 adversarial images and save in PGD/5000_resnet20_cifar10_0.1/ (ensure disk space!)
  • Second, will evaluate on clean and adversarial images and print out accuracies
  • Third, adversarial accuracies will also be saved to PGD/cifar10_LeNet5-relu_0.1/log.txt

2.2 adversarial-training

2.2.1 First, download a model checkpoint from below into the corresponding folder PGD-AT/ (OR) TRADES/ (OR) RST (adversarial training checkpoints from three random seeds are stored here)

2.2.2 Then run the corresponding command below:

cd adversarial-training/${Approach}
python --model_path ${File Name} --log_file ${Approach}_${lr}.log

where ${Approach}, ${lr} and ${File Name} for each result in Table 2 (of paper) can be found below:

${Approach} Model lr (base) lr (2/L) lr (1/L) ${File Name}
PGD-AT ResNet-50 0.1 0.1922 0.0961 PGD-AT_${lr}.pt.latest
TRADES WRN-34-10 0.1 0.2668 0.1334 TRADES_${lr}.pt
RST WRN-28-10 0.1 0.1485 0.0743 RST_${lr}.pt

Here is an example,

cd adversarial-training/PGD-AT
python --model_path --log_file RST_0.1485.log
Note on epsilon for TRADES

Please add --epsilon 0.031 when running for TRADES (for correct comparison with SOTA on Autoattack benchmark). Here is an example,

cd adversarial-training/TRADES
python --epsilon 0.031 --model_path --log_file TRADES_0.2668.log

3. Training from scratch

3.1 standard-training

cd standard-training
python --folder train_checkpoints/${Folder Name}

where ${Folder Name} for each result can be found in the below table

Dataset Model Batch lr (base) lr (2/L) lr (1/L) ${Folder Name}
CIFAR10 ResNet 20 5000 0.1 0.5672 0.2836 ${Batch}cifar10_resnet20${lr}
ResNet 50 2000 0.1 0.1852 0.0926 ${Batch}cifar10_resnet50${lr}
ResNet 110 1000 0.1 0.16 0.08 ${Batch}cifar10_resnet110${lr}
DenseNet 40 2000 0.1 0.3683 0.1842 ${Batch}cifar10_densenet${lr}
CIAFR100 ResNet 50 256 0.1 0.2286 0.1143 ${Batch}cifar100_resnet50${lr}
ResNet 110 256 0.1 0.1381 0.069 ${Batch}cifar100_resnet110${lr}
DenseNet 40 256 0.1 0.191 0.0955 ${Batch}cifar100_densenet${lr}
  • First, a model is trained and saved at train_checkpoints/${Folder Name}/checkpoint.pth.tar. At the end, lipschitz constant will be estimated.
  • Train / val performance is saved to a log file in the same folder.
  • To evaluate the trained model, run below
python --file train_checkpoints/${Folder Name}/checkpoint.pth.tar --gpu-id ${N} --trained-from-scratch

Here is an example,

python --folder train_checkpoints/5000_cifar10_resnet20_0.1
python --file train_checkpoints/5000_cifar10_resnet20_0.1/checkpoint.pth.tar --trained-from-scratch

3.1.1 Notes

  • In all cases above, the Ms and Ns used in estimation can be changed within utils/ > class Weibull_Fitter() > function fit()

3.2 adversarial-training

3.2.1 TRADES

cd adversarial-training/TRADES/
python --lr ${lr} --model-dir TRADES_${\lr}
  • Run above command for three ${lr} as given in the table in section 2.2.2 of this README.
  • Running the above command will generate checkpoints every 25 epochs for 75 epochs. At the end, lipschitz constant will be estimated.
  • To only estimate Lispchitz constant (after training), run
python --model-dir TRADES_${\lr} --only-lipschitz
  • To evaluate on autoattack, run
python --epsilon 0.031 --model_path TRADES_${lr}/ --log_file TRADES_${lr}/auto.log

3.2.2 RST First download the unlabelled data used in RST from below into RST/data/ folder

500K unlabeled data from TinyImages (with pseudo-labels) Then run the following commands

cd adversarial-training/RST/
python --lr ${lr} --aux_data_filename ti_500K_pseudo_labeled.pickle --model_dir RST_${lr}
  • Run above command for three ${lr} as given in the table in section 2.2.2 of this README.
  • Running the above command will generate checkpoints every 25 epochs for 200 epochs. At the end, lipschitz constant will be estimated.
  • To only estimate Lispchitz constant (after training), run
python --lr ${lr} --model_dir RST_${lr} --only-lipschitz
  • To evaluate on autoattack, run
python --model_path RST_${lr}/ --log_file RST_${lr}/auto.log

3.2.3 PGD-AT

cd adversarial-training/PGD-AT/ Install apex from NVIDIA by following Quick Start instructions at below link SOTA PGD-AT, Lipschitz estimation

python --lr 0.1 --dataset cifar --data ./data --arch resnet50 --batch-size 256 --out-dir PGD-AT --exp-name SOTA_0.1 \
    --adv-train 1 --eps 8.0/255 --constraint inf --attack-steps 10 --attack-lr 0.007 --random-restarts 5
  • Running the above command will generate a 'latest' checkpoint after 150 epochs. At the end, lipschitz constant will be estimated. Largest Convergent and Persistent PGD-AT

python --lr ${lr} --dataset cifar --data ./data --arch resnet50 --batch-size 256 --out-dir PGD-AT --exp-name PE_${lr} \
    --adv-train 1 --eps 8.0/255 --constraint inf --attack-steps 10 --attack-lr 0.007 --random-restarts 5
  • Run above command for two ${lr} (i.e. 2/L and 1/L) as given in the table in section 2.2.2 of this README.
  • Running the above command will generate a 'latest' checkpoint after 150 epochs. Since, we are running robust_train_fast, this will not do lipschitz estimation again.
  • To evaluate on autoattack, run
python --model_path PGD-AT/PE_${lr}/ --log_file PGD-AT/PE_${lr}/auto.log

3.2.4 Notes

  • In all 4 cases above, the Ms and Ns used in estimation can be changed within more_utils/ > class Weibull_Fitter() > function fit()

3.3 Figure 3 (CIFAR)

Please note that our estimation procedure is inherently random and fixing seed will not solve this. To get the exact same plots in the appendix, we provide the saved gradients/weights in the file --> figure_3_lipschitz.pth.tar .

  • Run notebook at standard-training/notebooks-figure-3-and-4/figure_3.ipynb
  • Intermediate cells will display both heat maps in Appendix B
  • The last cell will display figure 3

3.4 Figure 2 (MNIST)

  • Run notebooks at MNIST-figure-2/notebooks-figure-2/
  • The second last cell will display the plot for the corresponding models
  • The last cell will display the values in Table 1 (of paper) for MNIST which are obtained from the above plot

3.5 Figure 4 (Assumption)

  • Run notebook at standard-training/notebooks-figure-3-and-4/figure_4.ipynb
  • Many many models will be trained and the assumption 2 for each will be verified in the second and third cells respectively
  • The fourth/last cell will display figure 4
  • Please contact the authors for the saved lipschitz pickle files for each model (not uploaded as all lipschitz pickle files together are more than 40 GB)


Official Code for the ACC 2022 paper.







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