😻 Encode and decode data using emoji in .NET❣️ Like base64, except base1024, and uses an emoji alphabet. 🎉
Prototile generates self-similar substitution tilings based on squares of different colors.
Microsoft's contributions for Spark with Apache Accumulo
Encode and decode data as emojis, in Swift 5
An example of bytecode modifying Java agents done with Javassist and Byte Buddy
A Java implementation of the Ecoji encoding standard
Native Accumulo and HDFS Connector with Python Bindings
Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
Analyze types used by declared public API
Use Clojure functions in Apache Accumulo iterators
A tool for checking backward API/ABI compatibility of a Java library
keith-turner / accumulo-pig
Forked from jatrost/accumulo-pigAccumuloStorage module for Pig
This is a workaround for the issue identified in ACCUMULO-348