The following things have been updated:
- Add low-pass filter to the signal processing.
- Interface optimized: we provided a more easy-to-understand interface and parameter control.
- Incorporate the Nanopore features released in LC2019.
- Add the support for Guppy basecaller. Since this version, Guppy will be the default basecaller.
- Multiprocess control.
- Memory optimization. There won't be memory problem even simulating a large number of reads.
- Storage management optimization. There won't be storage problem even simulating a large number of reads.
- Add the interface to control the average length of the reads, which still satisfies the read length distribution.
- Add a file, which is more easy-to-understand and shows the three-step pipeline of our tool clearly.
- Add the option to output signal file in txt format and alignment files.
- Multiple bugs fixed.