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DiscordSRV Integration

mattboy9921 edited this page Aug 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

CrewChat integrates with DiscordSRV, allowing players to see their in game chat messages on Discord and vice versa. There is a bit of setup required in DiscordSRV's config in order to get channels linked correctly.


This assumes you've already done the basic setup for DiscordSRV, found here.

In DiscordSRV's config.yml file, find the "Channel links from game to Discord" section. It is close to the top of the file.

# DiscordSRV Configuration


# Channel links from game to Discord
# syntax is Channels: {"in-game channel name from Minecraft": "numerical channel ID from Discord", "another in-game channel name from Minecraft": "another numerical channel ID from Discord"}
# All of DiscordSRV's messages will go to the first channel unless there's a channel for that type of messages defined:
# when using a compatible chat plugin, the channel name will be the one from that plugin (for chat messages)
#  - If you're using TownyChat, the default channel is usually called "general" instead of "global"
# for player chat messages (when not using a chat plugin): global
# for server start/stop messages: status
# for achievement/advancement messages: awards
# for death messages: deaths
# for join messages: join
# for leave messages: leave
# for dynmap messages: dynmap
# for watchdog messages: watchdog
# for /discord broadcast: broadcasts (unless specified in the command)
# The first part of channel pairs is not the Discord channel name!
Channels: {"global": "000000000000000000"}


Here, you can link your in game channels, as you specified in CrewChat's config.conf file to your Discord server's channels. Assuming you don't define any extra channels and just link the global one like the example above, all in game messages from all channels will go to that one linked channel.

Additional Configuration

There are two Discord related settings available through CrewChat:

In each channel config within config.conf, you can set show-channel-name-discord to true to show the in game channel name on Discord.

Globally, you can also set the option show-discord-channel-name-in-game to true to show the Discord channel name on in game messages.

Also note that CrewChat supports both traditional and the Experiment_WebhookChatMessageDelivery options for DiscordSRV.

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