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mattboy9921 edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 3 revisions


General Chat

The main usage of CrewChat is chat messages in game. Any message typed is processed through CrewChat to provide the configured formatting and deliver the message to the proper audience.


CrewChat has channels which can be used to separate and distinguish between different segments of chat. For example, a server could have a moderator channel or a channel just for people working on a specific project. Each channel can be distinguished primarily by the chat color. Running the command /chat info channel <channel> will let you see more info about that particular channel.

Channels can be subscribed to or unsubscribed from. When subscribed to a channel, you will receive all messages sent in that channel. Unsubscribing means you will no longer see any messages from that channel. Permissions can be configured to allow players to subscribe/unsubscribe from channels, so it is possible to restrict what channels a group/user can add and remove.

Each player has an active channel. This is the channel any chat sent will appear in. Your active channel can be switched with the command /chat switch <channel>.

Another useful command when dealing with many channels is /chat send <channel> <message>. This command allows you to send a single message to another channel without changing your active channel.


CrewChat also allows players to create their own chat channels, called parties. The best way to describe a party is similar to Xbox Live party chat. Parties are useful when the general chat channel is crowded and allows you and your friends to separately chat without missing messages. It can also be useful to avoid giving away secret information like base coordinates or a special project. Note though that anyone can join a party at any time.

Creating a party can be done with /party create <party> [#hex]. <party> will be the name of the party and optionally, a [#hex] value can be provided in the form of #XXXXXX. If no hex value is provided, a clickable palette of colors can be chosen from instead.

Once a party has been created, other players can see and join the party with the command /party join <party>. Note that a party with no players in it will be deleted after a configurable amount of time.

Other Chat Features

Every player has a status message that can be customized using the command /chat status [status]. Note that simply running /chat status will return what your current status is. Status messages appear when hovering over your name in any message sent in any channel or party channel.

Status messages also accept certain tags like colors, style and gradients/rainbow tags. This means your status can have some extra flair! For more info about tags can be found on the MiniMessage docs here.

You can mute other users with the command /chat mute <player>. This will prevent you from seeing any message the specified player sends. Mutes last 24 hours but a player can be unmuted at any time with /chat unmute <player>. Muted players also show in the /chat info command. Hovering over a player's name shows the time remaining on the mute.

You can also deafen yourself, preventing any chat messages (other than private messages) from appearing to you. The command is /chat deafen. This is useful if chat is busy and you'd like to avoid interruptions. It could also be useful while recording videos or streaming.

CrewChat also supports mentions. Similar to Discord, when a player's name is typed exactly (tab complete is useful for this), their name is formatted with the @ symbol and highlighted in gold. The player also receives an audible notification when the message is sent. This is useful for getting someone's attention or simply mentioning someone by name in chat.

Mentions are extended to Discord as well, typing a user's exact Discord name allows you to ping them if DiscordSRV is enabled for CrewChat. A handy command, /chat mention <player>, exists to provide a list of all mentionable names from both in game and the bridged Discord channel.

CrewChat also allows you to use /me <message> to format your message in the third person. Your message will take on the color of the channel/party you are currently active in.

Private Messaging

Private messaging is pretty self explanatory, it provides a way for players to send a direct message to another player, allowing a private exchange to take place. Private messages can be initiated in a couple ways: running the command /msg <player> <message>, clicking a player's name in any chat message, or clicking a player's name in a PM received by them.

Private messages also support a shorthand command to reply, used with /reply <message>. This sends a private message to the last person who private messaged you. Please note a reply goes to the last PM at the time of sending, so if player A PM's you while you're typing your response to player B, your reply goes to player A.

Technical Commands

Usually meant to be for moderation or admin use only, these commands offer more info and special control over the plugin.

A reload command exists with /crewchat reload. This will reload all configuration files but please note, any parties active at the time of reload will be removed and those players end up switched to another active channel.

/crewchat info channel [channel] and /crewchat info player <player> can be used to get more information about channels and players respectively. This can be useful for troubleshooting issues or moderating different problems.

There is a broadcast command as well that will send a message in chat to every player on the server, regardless of channel/party subscription. This can be used with /broadcast <message>.

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