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Robot control software for MicroChariot.

To deploy the code to the robot, you can either crosscompile and deploy the executable, or clone the repo onto the jetson and build it there.
Then just SSH onto the jetson and run the executable in ~/uchariot-base/build/ with sudo ./uChariotBase


Minimum CMake version is 3.16.

Name Description Install
libeigen3 linear algebra sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
libi2c i2c interface sudo apt install libi2c-dev
libgps connecting to gpsd server sudo apt install libgps-dev
rapidjson json parsing header-only
tinyxml XML parsing header-only



To crosscompile for the raspberry pi, you first need to create a sysroot directory. The cmake points by default to ~/uchariot-sys/sysroot/

You can use the following command to copy the pi's lib and usr directories to the sysroot.

rsync -vR --progress -rl --delete-after --safe-links USERNAME@RPI_IP:/{lib,usr,opt/vc/lib} $HOME/uchariot-sys/sysroot

Native Compiling (ARM-Linux or M-series Mac)

If you are using an M-series Mac, use a Linux VM (Ubuntu or Debian recomended) with UTM. This basically turns your computer into a ARM-Linux box so you can build without crosscompiling.

Then to compile, run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Crosscompiling (X86-Windows/Mac/Linux)

If you are using X86 Windows, use WSL Debian or Ubuntu. If you are using an Intel Mac, use a VM with Debian or Ubuntu.

Then install the crosscompiling toolchain for aarch64, and run

sudo apt install g++-aarch64-linux-gnu

Then to crosscompile, run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain.cmake ..

The only difference is the inclusion of -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain.cmake.


Now you should have produced a binary called uChariotBase. Deploy this using ../

You may want to set up an SSH key so that you don't have to keep entering the password.


Run the executable on the robot with

cd ~/uchariot-base/build

It can also be started with ~/uchariot-base/ which is what is run by the start button on the driver console.


You can also run the code on your local environment in simulation, this will disable peripherals like CAN, I2C, and serial connection. Just run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DSIMULATION=true ..
sudo ./uChariotBase


The robot will load a configuration XML file at uchariot-base/config/robotConfig.xml. The deploy script will update the config file on the robot.

Autonomous Paths

The robot will look for paths in the uchariot/build/paths folder. Paths can be either XML or KML files, but XML is recommended.
To make a new path, open google earth, draw a path, save it as a KML, open the KML and copy the coordinates into a XML, using another path as a template. Adjust the parameters as needed, and run it from the driver console.


Checkout the docs at ./docs/html/index.html
Rebuild them with

sudo apt install doxygen graphviz
cd docs
doxygen Doxyfile


Avionics software for μChariot.




