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Create a new Hyperledger fabric environment and Deploy smart contract (chaincode) by using GUI with Minifabric
Help you focus on writing code and testing of business-logic! with your smart contract

GitHub last commit GitHub release (latest by date)

Table of Contents
  1. ➤ About Fabric-Manager
  2. ➤ Prerequisites
  3. ➤ Installation
  4. ➤ App Screenshots
  5. ➤ Team

📓 About Fabric-Manager

Fabric-Manager is GUI application for helping developer who want to start learning or developing with Hyperledger fabric to have a tools to help setup environment and testing you application or smart contract .

How is work

Fabric-Manager is desktop application who communication with os and Minifabric through the config file to setup and interactive with Hyperledger fabric that run on your docker environment.

Feature Highlight

  1. Custom Fabric network setup
  2. Channel query, create, join, channel update
  3. Chaincode install, approve, instantiation, invoke, query, upgrade
  4. Create new identity for organizations
  5. Export network template (docker-compose file with crypto material)
  6. Export connection profile and gateway template (only node.js right now)

Platform Status
Microsoft Windows Supported
Linux Not Supported
Mac os Not Supported

This project is graduate project for Bachelor's degree of computer science 2021 KMITL (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang)

🔧 Prerequisites

  • docker (18.03 or newer) environment
  • node.js (optional) if you want to install with node package

Currently support only window platform

💾 Installation

Method 1: Installer

Download zip file from release page extract and run Installer

Method 2: Install with node package

We used Electorn and Vue CLI Plugin you can go read for more details

go to folder you want to install Clone Project

git clone

After cloned

cd Fabric-Manager/desktopapp

npm install

To run program after installed

vue-cli-service electron:serve

To build program for window platform

vue-cli-service electron:build --win

📷 App Screenshots

Create project

App panel

Deploy new Chaincode

Create new identity

👷 Team

new4761 and pisichi