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Nest Binding Example

John Cocula edited this page Nov 30, 2015 · 5 revisions

Nest Binding Example

The contents of nest.items and nest.sitemap demonstrate a possible user interface that's backed by the Nest binding.



The items file assumes your structure is called "Home," your thermostat is called "Dining Room," and you have two Nest Protects called "Upstairs" and "Basement." Change these to match how your devices are named at

String home_away "Home/Away [%s]" <present> { nest="=[structures(Home).away]" }
DateTime dining_room_last_connection "Last Connection [%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <calendar> {nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).last_connection]"}
String dining_room_hvac_mode "HVAC Mode" <climate> { nest="=[thermostats(Dining Room).hvac_mode]" }
String dining_room_temperature_scale "Temperature Scale [%s]" { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).temperature_scale]" }
Number dining_room_ambient_temperature_f "Ambient Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).ambient_temperature_f]" }
Number dining_room_ambient_temperature_c "Ambient Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).ambient_temperature_c]" }
Number dining_room_humidity "Humidity [%d %%]" <humidity> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).humidity]" }
Number dining_room_target_temperature_f "Target Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="=[thermostats(Dining Room).target_temperature_f]" }
Number dining_room_target_temperature_low_f "Minimum Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="=[thermostats(Dining Room).target_temperature_low_f]" }
Number dining_room_target_temperature_high_f "Maximum Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="=[thermostats(Dining Room).target_temperature_high_f]" }
Number dining_room_away_temperature_low_f "Minimum Away Temp. [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).away_temperature_low_f]" }
Number dining_room_away_temperature_high_f "Maximum Away Temp. [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).away_temperature_high_f]" }
String basement_smoke "Smoke Status [%s]" <smoke> { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Basement).smoke_alarm_state]" }
String basement_co "CO Status [%s]" <co> { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Basement).co_alarm_state]" }
String basement_state "Status Color [%s]" { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Basement).ui_color_state]" }
DateTime basement_last_connection "Last Connection [%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <calendar> {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Basement).last_connection]"}
String upstairs_smoke "Smoke Status [%s]" <smoke> { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Upstairs).smoke_alarm_state]" }
String upstairs_co "CO Status [%s]" <co> { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Upstairs).co_alarm_state]" }
String upstairs_state "Status Color [%s]" { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Upstairs).ui_color_state]" }
DateTime upstairs_last_connection "Last Connection [%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <calendar> {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Upstairs).last_connection]"}


The sitemap will show the ambient temperature in the same scale (C or F) that the thermostat is set to. It will only show the away temperature range if the structure is currently in away mode. It will show the single setpoint if the thermostat is either in "heat" or "cool" mode, or will show the low and high setpoints if the thermostat is in "heat-cool" (auto) mode. The smoke+CO detectors show their status colors in the same color as the Nest Protect's light ring.

sitemap nest label="Nest"
  Frame label="Home" icon="house" {
    Switch item=home_away mappings=[home="Home",away="Away"]
  Frame label="Dining Room Thermostat" {
    Text item=dining_room_ambient_temperature_f visibility=[dining_room_temperature_scale=="F"]
    Text item=dining_room_ambient_temperature_c visibility=[dining_room_temperature_scale=="C"]
    Text item=dining_room_humidity
    Switch item=dining_room_hvac_mode mappings=[heat="Heat",cool="Cool","heat-cool"="Auto",off="Off"]
    Text item=dining_room_away_temperature_low_f visibility=[home_away=="away",home_away=="auto-away"]
    Text item=dining_room_away_temperature_high_f visibility=[home_away=="away",home_away=="auto-away"]
    Setpoint item=dining_room_target_temperature_f label="Target Temperature [%.1f °F]" minValue=50 maxValue=80 step=1 visibility=[dining_room_hvac_mode=="heat",dining_room_hvac_mode=="cool"]
    Setpoint item=dining_room_target_temperature_low_f label="Minimum Temperature [%.1f °F]" minValue=50 maxValue=80 step=1 visibility=[dining_room_hvac_mode=="heat-cool"]
    Setpoint item=dining_room_target_temperature_high_f label="Maximum Temperature [%.1f °F]" minValue=50 maxValue=80 step=1 visibility=[dining_room_hvac_mode=="heat-cool"]
    Text item=dining_room_last_connection
  Frame label="Basement Nest Protect" {
   Text item=basement_smoke valuecolor=[basement_state=="green"="green",basement_state=="gray"="gray",basement_state=="yellow"="yellow",basement_state=="red"="red"]
   Text item=basement_co valuecolor=[basement_state=="green"="green",basement_state=="gray"="gray",basement_state=="yellow"="yellow",basement_state=="red"="red"]
   Text item=basement_last_connection
  Frame label="Upstairs Nest Protect" {
   Text item=upstairs_smoke valuecolor=[upstairs_state=="green"="green",upstairs_state=="gray"="gray",upstairs_state=="yellow"="yellow",upstairs_state=="red"="red"]
   Text item=upstairs_co valuecolor=[upstairs_state=="green"="green",upstairs_state=="gray"="gray",upstairs_state=="yellow"="yellow",upstairs_state=="red"="red"]
   Text item=upstairs_last_connection


I also created co*.png, smoke*.png, humidity.png and other icons by copying existing icons:

cp shield.png co.png
cp shield-1.png co-ok.png
cp shield-0.png co-warning.png
cp shield-0.png co-emergency.png
cp shield.png smoke.png
cp shield-1.png smoke-ok.png
cp shield-0.png smoke-warning.png
cp shield-0.png smoke-emergency.png
cp softener.png humidity.png
cp present.png present-home.png
cp present-off.png present-away.png
cp present-off.png present-auto-away.png


Opening Windows, set the Thermostat to away-mode to save Energy

This rule assumes that the windows are all Contact Items, are all in a Group called GWindow, and that the members are Bedroom2ZoneTripped ... StairsWindowsZoneTripped per the list below.

rule "Windows Opened (any)"
    Item Bedroom2ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item Bedroom3ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item FamilyRoomZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item GuestBathZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item KitchenZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item LivingRoomZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item MasterBath1ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item MasterBath2ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item MasterBath3ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item MasterBedroomZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
    Item StairsWindowsZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN
    if (GWindow.members.filter(s|s.state==OPEN).size == 1) {

Closing Windows, set the Thermostat to home-mode when all windows are closed

As the counterpart of the above rule, set the Thermostat to home once all the windows are closed.

rule "Windows Closed (all)"
    Item Bedroom2ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item Bedroom3ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item FamilyRoomZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item GuestBathZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item KitchenZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item LivingRoomZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item MasterBath1ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item MasterBath2ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item MasterBath3ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item MasterBedroomZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
    Item StairsWindowsZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED
    if (GWindow.members.filter(s|s.state==OPEN).size == 0) {


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

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