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Samples Item Definitions

dakalff edited this page Nov 22, 2013 · 29 revisions

Samples of Item definitions

Howto use homematic door contact sensors

Contact corFrontDoor "Front Door [%s]" <frontdoor> (gRCor, gLock) { homematic="HEQ0358465:1#STATE" }
Text item=corFrontDoor

Howto use homematic window contact sensors

Number lrWindowRight "Window Right [MAP(]" <contact> (gRLvng) { homematic="IEQ0203214:1#STATE" }
Text item=lrWindowRight


Howto read Homematic heater valve state

Dimmer lrHeaterRight "Heater Right [%d %%]" <heating> (gRLvng)                { homematic="IEQ0537568:1#VALVE_STATE" }
Text item=lrHeaterRight

Howto use Homematic temperature regulator

Number lrTempSet "Target Temperature [%d °C]" <temperature> (gRLvng, gRBed) { homematic="IEQ0053616:2#SETPOINT" }
Setpoint item=lrTempSet step=0.5 minValue=15 maxValue=30

How to get special characters like "%" in a label text

Number Humidity "Humidity [%.1f %%]"

Howto configure Homematic light switch

Switch brLightCeil "Ceiling" (gRBed, gLight) { homematic="IEQ0001542:1#STATE" }
Switch item=brLightCeil

How to configure Homematic temperature and humidity sensor

Number lrTemp "Current Temp [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gRLvng, gWthrDta) { homematic="IEQ0053616:1#TEMPERATURE" }
Number lrHumid "Humidity [%d %%]" <waterdrop> (gRLvng, gWthrDta) { homematic="IEQ0053616:1#HUMIDITY" }

Text item=lrTemp
Text item=lrHumid

How to configure Homematic motion and brightness sensors

Switch corMotion "Motion Detected" (gRCor) { homematic="GEQ0128171:1#MOTION" }
Number corBright "Brightness [%.1f %%]" (gRCor) { homematic="GEQ0128171:1#BRIGHTNESS" }

Switch item=corMotion
Text item=corBright

I dont like that the motion switch is "writeable". Maybe someone can post a proper rendering object for the motion detector.

How to configure a switch to be a pushbutton:

German Thread


Switch Garage_Gate { binding="xxx", autoupdate="false"}


Switch item=Garage_Gate label="Garage" mappings=[ON="Go!"]

The magic happens with autoupdate="false" which keeps the state even an ON command has been received. This way, it's always off unless you explicitly post an update to this item.

How to control a homematic roller shutter with an EnOcean Rocker


Rollershutter Blinds_Left <rollershutter> (Shutters) {homematic="id=JEQXXXXXX, channel=1, parameter=LEVEL", enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, eep=F6:02:01}"}

How to control a homematic dimmer with an EnOcean Rocker (OnOff Profile)


Dimmer Lights_Left <lights> (Lights) {homematic="id=GEQXXXXXX, channel=2, parameter=LEVEL", enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, channel=A, eep=F6:02:01}"}}


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

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