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Install opensource COBOL 4J v1.0.7

yutaro-sakamoto edited this page Nov 6, 2023 · 3 revisions

We have confirmed that opensource COBOL 4J v1.0.7 works on Ubuntu and AlmaLinux.

Manual install

Install dependencies

Run the following command.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install default-jdk
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential bison flex gettext texinfo libgmp-dev autoconf

Install SQLite JDBC Driver

Run the following command.

mkdir ~/.java_lib
curl -L -o ~/.java_lib/sqlite.jar
export CLASSPATH=":$HOME/.java_lib/sqlite.jar"

Install opensource COBOL 4J

curl -L -o opensourcecobol4j-v1.0.7.tar.gz
tar zxvf opensourcecobol4j-v1.0.7.tar.gz
cd opensourcecobol4j-1.0.7
./configure --prefix=/usr/
sudo make install


Add /usr/lib/opensourcecobol4j/libcobj.jar and ~/.java_lib/sqlite.jar to the environment variable $CLASSPATH.

Install with Docker

The docker container for opensource COBOL 4J is available.

docker pull opensourcecobol/opensourcecobol4j:1.0.7

Execute the following commands in order to run the "Hello World" COBOL program.

# Move to the sample directory
$ cd /root/cobol_sample

# Translate COBOL to Java and compile the Java source file.
$ cobj HELLO.cbl

# Run "Hello World"
$ java HELLO
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