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Multiple selections

pgen edited this page Aug 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Hitting Enter is the default method to select the current word and to send it to standard output, however, two other ways of selecting words are available: tagging and pinning.

Both give the possibility to select more than one words, the difference between them is:

  • Tagging outputs the selected words according to their position in the input flow.
  • Pinning outputs them according to their selection order.

Tagging examples (-T):

smenu -T

smenu -T

Pinning examples (-P):

smenu -P

smenu -P

Note the order of the words in the result.

These options may also have an optional argument that will serve as a separator of the output words.

smenu -P ' \\ue296b8 '

smenu -P ' \\ue296b8 '

The next animation shows how to use the T and U keys to tag/untag all the words matching a pattern (here the fuzzy pattern ah).

smenu -T

smenu -T

To restart the animations, refresh the page (shift refresh on Netscape based browsers).