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marekkopicki committed Jan 22, 2014
0 parents commit 50353a0
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365 changes: 365 additions & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions copy.cmake
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
message("${SRC} -> ${DST}")
305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions include/Spam/RagPlanner/RagPlanner.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
// Simultaneous Perception And Manipulation (SPAM)
// Copyright (c) 2010 University of Birmingham.
// All rights reserved.
// Intelligence Robot Lab.
// School of Computer Science
// University of Birmingham
// Edgbaston, Brimingham. UK.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in
// the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the names of the Simultaneous Perception And Manipulation
// (SPAM), University of Birmingham, nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software
// without specific prior written permission.
// The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or
// implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability,
// fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the
// contributors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other
// liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising
// from, out of or in connection with the software or the use of other dealings
// with the software.
//! @Author: Claudio Zito
//! @Date: 27/10/2012
#pragma once


#include <Grasp/PosePlanner/PosePlanner.h>
#include <Grasp/Grasp/Grasp.h>
#include <Spam/Spam/Belief.h>
#include <Spam/Spam/Data.h>


namespace spam {


Basic class for planning Reach-and-grasp trajectory.
This class provides (1) a sampling method to generate a low dimension
representation of uncertainty over object poses, and (2) a planner which
builds trajectories that are more likely to distinguish between the
miximum likelihood pose of the object and any sampled poses.
Based on Platt R. et al. "A hypothesis-based algorithm for planning and
control in non-Gaussian belief spaces", 2011.
class RagPlanner : public grasp::PosePlanner {
class Desc : public grasp::PosePlanner::Desc {
CREATE_FROM_OBJECT_DESC1(RagPlanner, golem::Object::Ptr, golem::Scene&)

/** Smart pointer */
typedef golem::shared_ptr<Desc> Ptr;

/** Default number of sampled object poses */
size_t K;
/** Minimum threshold required for the sampled importance weights */
golem::Real theta;
/** Maximum number of sampling iterations */
size_t maxSamplingIter;

/** Backward moving factor */
golem::Real timestampFac;

/** 3D surface samples' point feature appearance */
grasp::Point::Appearance sampleAppearance;

/** Enables/disables explicit use of uncertainty in planning */
bool uncEnable;
/** Enables/disables replanning */
bool singleGrasp;
/** Enables/disables withdrawing to the home pose */
bool withdrawToHomePose;

/** Bounding box for the graspable object */
golem::Bounds::Desc::Seq objectBounds;
/** Real pose of the object. Ground truth for testing */
golem::Mat34 objectPose;

/** Enables/disables adding noise to the estimated (query) point cloud */
bool gtNoiseEnable;
/** Noise lin/ang components */
grasp::RBDist gtPoseStddev;

/** Constructs from description object */
Desc() {
/** Sets the parameters to the default values */
virtual void setToDefault() {
robotDesc.reset(new Robot::Desc);
pRBPoseDesc.reset(new Belief::Desc);
K = 5;
theta = golem::Real(0.20);
maxSamplingIter = 100;
timestampFac = 0.25;
uncEnable = true;
singleGrasp = false;
withdrawToHomePose = false;
gtNoiseEnable = false;
/** Checks if the description is valid. */
virtual bool isValid() const {
if (!grasp::PosePlanner::Desc::isValid())
return false;
for (golem::Bounds::Desc::Seq::const_iterator i = objectBounds.begin(); i != objectBounds.end(); ++i)
if (!(*i)->isValid())
return false;
return true;

/** Returns the boundig box for the object to be grasped */
inline golem::Bounds::SeqPtr getObjectBounds() const {
golem::Bounds::SeqPtr pBounds(new golem::Bounds::Seq());
for (golem::Bounds::Desc::Seq::iterator i = objectBounds->begin(); i != objectBounds->end(); ++i)
return pBounds;

virtual ~RagPlanner();

/** RAG robot */
Robot *robot;
/** Particles renderer */
golem::DebugRenderer sampleRenderer;
/** ground truth renderer */
golem::DebugRenderer gtRenderer;

/** Smart pointer to the belief state */
Belief::Ptr pBelief;
/** Smart pointer to the ft driven heuristic */
FTDrivenHeuristic::Ptr pHeuristic;

/** Data copllector */
TrialData::Map dataMap;
/** Object pose data */
TrialData::Map::iterator poseDataPtr;

/** Description file */
Desc ragDesc;

/** Maximum likelihood pose */
grasp::RBPose::Sample mlFrame;
/** Initial ML estimation */
golem::Mat34 initActionFrame;
/** Default number of sampled object poses */
size_t K;
/** Minimum threshold required for the sampled importance weights */
golem::Real theta;
/** Maximum number of sampling iterations */
size_t maxSamplingIter;
/** Backward moving factor */
golem::Real timestampFac;
/** 3d surface samples' point feature appearance */
grasp::Point::Appearance sampleAppearance;
/** Show original colour of the point cloud */
bool showSampleColour;
/** Show Sample frame */
bool showSampleFrame;
/** Show sample points */
bool showSamplePoints;
/** Show high dimension distribution */
bool showDistribution;
/** Show maximum likelihood estimation distribution */
bool showMLEFrame;
/** Show MLE points */
bool showMLEPoints;
/** Enables/disables esplicit use of uncertainty in planning */
bool uncEnable;
/** Enables/disables replanning */
bool singleGrasp;
/** Enables/disables withdrawing to the home pose */
bool withdrawToHomePose;
/** Shows the posterior distribution */
bool posterior;
/** Ground truth points */
grasp::Point::Seq groundTruthPoints;

/** Enables/disables the transformation in the action frame */
bool trnEnable;

grasp::Hand::Ptr hand;
golem::Bounds::Seq handBounds;

/** Sent trajectory */
golem::Controller::State::Seq currentTraj;

/** Bounding box for the graspable object */
golem::Bounds::Desc::SeqPtr objectBounds;

/** Object real pose on the scene (ground truth) */
grasp::RBCoord objectRealPose;
/** Iterations counter */
size_t iterations;

/** Checks the validity of a sample */
template <typename _PTR> bool isValidSample(const grasp::RBPose::Sample &sample, _PTR begin, _PTR end, golem::Real eps = golem::REAL_EPS) const {
// std::printf("particle frame<%.4f,%.4f,%.4f> w=%.5f\n", sample.p.x, sample.p.y, sample.p.z, sample.weight);
//if (sample.weight < theta)
// return false;
for (_PTR i = begin; i != end; ++i) {
if (pRBPose->distance(sample, *i) < eps)
return false;
return true;

/** Generates high dimension pdf */
void generate(grasp::RBPose::Sample::Seq::const_iterator begin, grasp::RBPose::Sample::Seq::const_iterator end, TrialData::Map::iterator dataPtr, grasp::RBPose::Sample::Seq &candidates) const;
/** Updates belief state */
void updateAndResample(TrialData::Map::iterator dataPtr);
// void updateAndResample(const std::vector<golem::Configspace::Index> &triggeredGuards, const golem::Controller::State &pose, TrialData::Map::iterator dataPtr, grasp::RBPose::Sample::Seq &candidates) const;
/** Evaluate the likelihood of reading a contact between robot's pose and the sample */
golem::Real evaluate(const grasp::RBCoord &Pose, const grasp::RBPose::Sample &sample) const;

/** Builds and performs reach and grasp actions */
virtual void performApproach(TrialData::Map::iterator dataPtr);
/** Builds and performs a moving back trajectory */
virtual void performWithdraw(TrialData::Map::iterator dataPtr);
/** Builds and performs a moving back trajectory */
virtual void performManip(TrialData::Map::iterator dataPtr);
/** Builds and performs single attempt to grasp */
virtual void performSingleGrasp(TrialData::Map::iterator dataPtr);
/** Performs trial action (trajectory) */
virtual void perform(TrialData::Map::iterator dataPtr);
/** Profiles state sequence */
virtual void profile(TrialData::Map::iterator dataPtr, const golem::Controller::State::Seq& inp, golem::SecTmReal dur, golem::SecTmReal idle) const;

/** Render trial data */
virtual void renderTrialData(TrialData::Map::const_iterator dataPtr);
/** Overwrite pose planner render trial data */
virtual void renderTrialData(grasp::TrialData::Map::const_iterator dataPtr);
void renderContacts();
void renderPose(const golem::Mat34 &pose);
golem::DebugRenderer testPose;
void renderUpdate(const golem::Mat34 &pose, const grasp::RBPose::Sample::Seq &samples);
golem::DebugRenderer testUpdate;
void renderHand(const golem::Controller::State &state);
golem::BoundsRenderer handRenderer;

/** Prints out a trajectory */
void printTrajectory(const golem::Controller::State::Seq &trajectory, const golem::Configspace::Index &begin, const golem::Configspace::Index &end) const;
/** Prints out a state of the robot */
void printState(const golem::Controller::State &state, const golem::Configspace::Index &begin, const golem::Configspace::Index &end, const std::string &label = "") const;

/** User interface: menu function */
virtual void function(grasp::TrialData::Map::iterator& dataPtr, int key);
/** User interface: help message */
// virtual std::string help() const;

virtual void render();

RagPlanner(golem::Scene &scene);
bool create(const Desc& desc);

/** Reads/writes object from/to a given XML context */
void XMLData(RagPlanner::Desc &val, golem::Context* context, golem::XMLContext* xmlcontext, bool create = false);


/** ShapePlanner application */
class RagPlannerApp : public golem::Application {
/** Runs Application */
virtual void run(int argc, char *argv[]);


}; // namespace


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