Signatures of selection at drug resistance loci in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Rmarkdown file with code to process and plot upstream analyses
HTML file produced from Rmarkdown
Repetitive regions masked from all alignments
Diversity statistics for alignments of susceptible and resistant subpopulations of first and second line drugs
Diversity statistics for alignments of susceptible and resistant subpopulations in L2
Diversity statistics for alignments of susceptible and resistant subpopulations in L4
Drug susceptibility from phenotypic data
Maximum Fst values when susceptibility is randomly assigned
Functional categories previously used in O'Neill et al. 2015 for functional enrichment tests
Positions where > 5% of isolates have a gap or missing data character
Gene lengths from H37Rv annotation
Pi values for each gene in resistant and susceptible subpopulations
Theta values for each gene in resistant and susceptible subpopulations
Diversity statistics for each gene using entire sample
Diversity statistics for each gene in L2
Diversity statistics for each gene in L4
List of indels identified as homoplastic
List of indels indentified as homoplastic when indels from the same gene are considered identical
List of homoplastic SNPs and the number of times they occcur on the phylogeny
Indel names, types, and impacted genes
Pi values for each gene in resistant and susceptible subpopulations in L2
Theta values for each gene in resistant and susceptible subpopulations in L2
Fst values for indels in L2
Pi values for each gene in resistant and susceptible subpopulations in L4
Theta values for each gene in resistant and susceptible subpopulations in L4
Fst values for indels in L4
Genes and types of indels after merging
Location, type, and gene of all SNPs in alignments
List of resistance loci
Rv numbers for genes in H37Rv genome
Phylogenetic tree estimated with FastTree
Fst values for SNPs
Fst values for indels
Fst values for indels in L2
Fst values for indels in L4
Fst values for SNPs in L2
Fst values for SNPs in L4
Fst values of indels when indels from the same gene are considered identical
Diversity values for entire alignment
Merges indels in the same gene
Calculates Fst after randomly assigning populations
Calculates Fst
Calculates diversity statistics for alignments
Accession numbers and lineage designation for sequence data used (Supplementary Table 1)
Signatures of selection in known drug resistance genes (Table 2)
Homoplastic Fst outliers (Table 3)
Edited CSV of TB Drug Resistance Database that can be parsed in R (orginally obtained from