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Stefan Petrovic edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 10 revisions

30 Seconds of Knowledge Wiki


Here you will find all the info needed to help and contribute the 30SoK Project. All contributions are welcome but will be reviewed before merging to ensure the same coding style is enforced throughout the codebase.

You can check the issues on this repo to see what stuff needs some work. This is a good place to start helping.

Remember even proposals and bug reports are helpful. If you need to report a bug or propose a feature, open a new issue and be as detailed as possible.

Codebase Contributing

This repo includes all the necessary configuration files needed to enforce coding style (e.g. .eslintrc.json, prettier.config.js, etc...). Please do not change or edit these. Setup your coding environments to use these configurations if you plan to contribute on the extension codebase instead of snippets.

This project is using Gitflow Workflow, to be sure you know how to contribute and make PRs, please read more about Gitflow here.

Snippets Contributing

Detailed explanations on how to contribute to snippets and write new ones can be found here:

Snippet Issue Rules

Most of the snippets are provided by other great open-source repositories. If you find a bug, a typo or any other issue in the snippet please submit a PR or open an Issue to the source repo.

The list for snippet repos can be found bellow: