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CSS Snippets

Stefan Petrovic edited this page Mar 10, 2019 · 3 revisions

CSS Snippets - Contribution Guide

Use this snippet template to write a new snippet.

  • Snippet filenames must correspond to the title of the snippet. For example, if your snippet is titled ### Awesome snippet the filename should be
    • Use kebab-case, not camelCase or snake_case.
  • Snippet titles should be the same as the name of the function that is present in the snippet.
    • All snippet titles must be prefixed with ### and be at the very first line of your snippet.
    • Snippet titles must be unique (although if you cannot find a better title, just add some placeholder at the end of the filename and title and we will figure it out).
    • Follow snippet titles with an empty line.
  • Snippet descriptions must be short and to the point. Try to explain what the snippet does and how the snippet works.
    • Follow snippet descriptions with an empty line.
  • Snippet HTML code must be enclosed inside ```html and ```.
    • Remember to start your snippet's code on a new line below the opening backticks.
    • Please use Plain HTML/HTML5 markup, do not use any templating languages.
  • Snippet CSS code must be enclosed inside ```css and ```.
    • Remember to start your snippet's code on a new line below the opening backticks.
    • Please use Vanilla CSS, do not use any css preprocessors.
    • Try to keep your snippets' code short and to the point. Use modern techniques and features. Make sure to test your code before submitting.
  • Demo section
    • All snippets must have a Demo section (### Demo). Leave an empty line after the demo title as this part will be automatically generated inside the extension.
  • Explanation section
    • All snippets should have an explanation of the used features.
  • Snippets should be short. If your snippet is a long, you can still submit it, and we can help you shorten it or figure out ways to improve it.
  • Snippets should solve real-world problems, no matter how simple.
  • Snippets can be abstract enough to be applied to different scenarios.
  • Snippets can showcase creative efforts as long as something useful in real-world problems can be learned from them.
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