Releases: pixlee/android-sdk
Fixed a bug of playing a video background in PXLPhotoProductView
We fixed a bug of playing a video in the background in PXLPhotoProductView by releasing it on onDestroy of the Activity or fragment.
How to apply the change:
Step 1: upgrade your SDK to this version.
Step 2: If you use [Option 1], no code change is required. But if you use [Option 2], add pxlPhotoProductView.releaseVideo()
to your onDestroy. We added an example below here and the doc/kotlin/
Step 3: done
Document from doc/kotlin/
Play and stop the video
- Option 1: Automatic using androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle(Jetpack)
- Prerequisite: add the dependencies in the doc ( to your app gradle. You can also see the sample on app/build.gradle in the demo app.
- Add the codes
#!kotlin class YourActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) ... pxlPhotoProductView.useLifecycleObserver(lifecycle) } }
- Option 2: Manual (use this if you want to play, stop and release the video when you need)
class YourActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
// play video
override fun onResume() {
// stop video
override fun onPause() {
override fun onDestroy() {
Fixed a bug of not making gif animated
Fixed a bug of not making gif animated as content in PXLPhoto
Fixed a bug of restarting the video after pausing it & loading speed improvement
Note: No need to change your code for this release! Just please update the SDK!
- Fixed a bug of restarting the video after pausing it.
- Loading large video content on PXLPhotoRecyclerView, PXLPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid, PXLPhotoProductView and PXLPhotoView was slow. Since we discovered that there were inefficient ways of loading the content in the SDK, we increased the loading speed.
Added UI customization options to each cell on list view and a new API
Get a PXLPhoto with an album photo id and regionId. You can get the right currency using this API
val albumPhotoId:String = <one of your album photo ids>
val regionId:Int = <one of region ids>
val result:PXLPhoto = pxlKtxAlbum.getPhotoFromRegion(albumPhotoId, regionId)
PXLPhotoRecyclerView and PXLPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid
- removed configuration argument is moved from pxlPhotoRecyclerView.initiate(...) to PhotoWithImageScaleType class to customize UI elements on each cell in the list. And imageScaleType argument is moved from pxlPhotoRecyclerView.initiate(...) to PXLPhotoView.Configuration class as well.
BEFORE: PXLPhotoRecyclerView
// you can customize color, size if you need
pxlPhotoRecyclerView.initiate(infiniteScroll = true, // or false
showingDebugView = false, // false: for production, true: development only when you want to see the debug info
alphaForStoppedVideos = 0.5f, // this is the alpha(opacity) of visible items in recyclerview except the first fully visible view(always 1f)
configuration = PXLPhotoView.Configuration().apply {
// Customize image size
pxlPhotoSize = PXLPhotoSize.ORIGINAL
// Customize Main TextView
mainTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply {
text = "Main Text"
size = 30.px
sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
typeface = null
// Customize Sub TextView
subTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply {
text = "Sub Text"
size = 18.px
sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
typeface = null
// Customize Button
buttonStyle = PXLPhotoView.ButtonStyle().apply {
isButtonVisible = true
text = "Action Button"
size = 20.px
sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
typeface = null
buttonIcon = com.pixlee.pixleesdk.R.drawable.baseline_play_arrow_white_24
stroke = PXLPhotoView.Stroke().apply {
width = 2.px.toInt()
color = Color.WHITE
radiusInPixel = 25.px
padding = PXLPhotoView.Padding().apply {
left = 20.px.toInt()
centerRight = 40.px.toInt()
topBottom = 10.px.toInt()
}, onButtonClickedListener = { view, pxlPhoto ->
context?.also { ctx ->
// you can add your business logic here
Toast.makeText(ctx, "onButtonClickedListener", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
}, onPhotoClickedListener = { view, pxlPhoto ->
context?.also { ctx ->
// you can add your business logic here
Toast.makeText(ctx, "onItemClickedListener", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
// write codes to get photos first. Read API doc.
// you should convert List<PXLPhoto> into List<PhotoWithImageScaleType>
val pxlPhotos: List<PXLPhoto> = ....
// turn the list into List<PhotoWithImageScaleType> to set ImageScaleType[CENTER_CROP, FIT_CENTER], and the cells' height size
val list = ArrayList<PhotoWithImageScaleType>()
pxlPhotos.forEach { pxlPhoto ->
list.add(PhotoWithImageScaleType(pxlPhoto = pxlPhoto,
imageScaleType = PXLPhotoView.ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP,
heightInPixel = cellSize,
isLoopingVideo = true,
soundMuted = true))
list.add(PhotoWithImageScaleType(pxlPhoto = pxlPhoto,
imageScaleType = PXLPhotoView.ImageScaleType.FIT_CENTER,
heightInPixel = cellSize,
isLoopingVideo = true,
soundMuted = true))
// start the list UI by passing these arguments
AFTER: PXLPhotoRecyclerView
// you can customize color, size if you need
pxlPhotoRecyclerView.initiate(infiniteScroll = true, // or false
showingDebugView = false, // false: for production, true: development only when you want to see the debug info
alphaForStoppedVideos = 0.5f, // this is the alpha(opacity) of visible items in recyclerview except the first fully visible view(always 1f)
onButtonClickedListener = { view, pxlPhoto ->
context?.also { ctx ->
// you can add your business logic here
Toast.makeText(ctx, "onButtonClickedListener", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
}, onPhotoClickedListener = { view, pxlPhoto ->
context?.also { ctx ->
// you can add your business logic here
Toast.makeText(ctx, "onItemClickedListener", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
// write codes to get photos first. Read API doc.
// you should convert List<PXLPhoto> into List<PhotoWithImageScaleType>
val pxlPhotos: List<PXLPhoto> = ....
// turn the list into List<PhotoWithImageScaleType> to set ImageScaleType[CENTER_CROP, FIT_CENTER], and the cells' height size
val list = ArrayList<PhotoWithImageScaleType>()
pxlPhotos.forEach { pxlPhoto ->
list.add(PhotoWithImageScaleType(pxlPhoto = pxlPhoto,
configuration = PXLPhotoView.Configuration().apply {
// Customize image size
pxlPhotoSize = PXLPhotoSize.ORIGINAL
imageScaleType = PXLPhotoView.ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP
// Customize Main TextView
mainTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply {
text = "Main Text"
size = 30.px
sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
typeface = null
// Customize Sub TextView
subTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply {
text = "Sub Text"
size = 18.px
sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
typeface = null
// Customize Button
buttonStyle = PXLPhotoView.ButtonStyle().apply {
isButtonVisible = true
text = "Action Button"
size = 20.px
sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
typeface = null
buttonIcon = com.pixlee.pixleesdk.R.drawable.baseline_play_arrow_white_24
stroke = PXLPhotoView.Stroke().apply {
width = 2.px.toInt()
color = Color.WHITE
radiusInPixel = 25.px
padding = PXLPhotoView.Padding().apply {
left = 20.px.toInt()
centerRight = 40.px.toInt()
topBottom = 10.px.toInt()
heightInPixel = cellSize,
isLoopingVideo = true,
soundMuted = true))
list.add(PhotoWithImageScaleType(pxlPhoto = pxlPhoto,
configuration = PXLPhotoView.Configuration().apply {
// Customize image size
pxlPhotoSize = PXLPhotoSize.ORIGINAL
imageScaleType = PXLPhotoView.ImageScaleType.FIT_CENTER
// Customize Main TextView
mainTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply {
text = "Main Text"
size = 30.px
sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
typeface = null
// Customize Sub TextView
subTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply {
text = "Sub Text"
size = 18.px
sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
typeface = null
// Customize Button
buttonStyle = PXLPhotoView.ButtonStyle().apply {
isButtonVisible = true
text = "Action Button"
size = 20.px
sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
typeface = null
buttonIcon = com.pixlee.pixleesdk.R.drawable.baseline_play_arrow_white_24
stroke = PXLPhotoView.Stroke().apply {
width = 2.px.toInt()
color = Color.WHITE
radiusInPixel = 25.px
padding = PXLPhotoView.Padding().apply {
left = 20.px.toInt()
centerRight = 40.px.toInt()
topBottom = 10.px.toInt()
heightInPixel = cellSize,
isLoopingVideo = true,
soundMuted = true))
// start the list UI by passing these arguments
Added region_id and buttons to PXLPhotoProductView
Added regionId
to get the currency of the specific region when searching for photos of an album. Here's how you can use it.
- note: - note: you can get the right currencies of your products by adding regionId to PXLKtxBaseAlbum.Params.
// Step 1: declare your album
val pxlKtxAlbum = PXLKtxAlbum(context)
val searchId = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.SearchId.Album("<your ALBUM ID>")
// alternative: val searchId = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.SearchId.Product("<your Product's SKU>")
// Step 2: add region id
pxlKtxAlbum.params = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.Params(
searchId = searchId,
perPage = 30,
filterOptions = PXLAlbumFilterOptions().apply {
hasPermission = true
hasProduct = true
// ... there's more
sortOptions = PXLAlbumSortOptions().apply {
sortType = PXLAlbumSortType.RECENCY
descending = true
// ... there's more.
regionId = <Optional: your region id(Int)> //<-------------- HERE is where you need to add your region id
Added back and mute/unmute buttons to PXLPhotoProductView
is added to pxlPhotoProductView.loadContent(). With this, you can customize icon color, icon, circle color and padding in the circle, and also listen click event for the back and mute/unmute buttons.
pxlPhotoProductView.loadContent(photoInfo = item,
headerConfiguration = PXLPhotoProductView.Configuration().apply {
backButton = PXLPhotoProductView.CircleButton().apply {
icon = com.pixlee.pixleesdk.R.drawable.round_close_black_18
iconColor = Color.BLACK
backgroundColor = Color.WHITE
padding = 10.px.toInt()
onClickListener = {
// back button's click effect
Toast.makeText(this@ViewerActivity, "Replace this with your codes, currently 'onBackPressed()'", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
muteCheckBox = PXLPhotoProductView.MuteCheckBox().apply {
mutedIcon = com.pixlee.pixleesdk.R.drawable.outline_volume_up_black_18
unmutedIcon = com.pixlee.pixleesdk.R.drawable.outline_volume_off_black_18
iconColor = Color.BLACK
backgroundColor = Color.WHITE
padding = 10.px.toInt()
onCheckedListener = {
Toast.makeText(this@ViewerActivity, "is muted: $it'", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
configuration = ...
Moved the list updating task to a background thread
Moved the list updating task to a background thread not to block Main thread(UI) in case of the list being large enough to block Main(UI) Thread.
Added mute/unmute to PXLPhotoView, PXLPhotoProductView and PXLPhotoRecyclerView
PXLPhotoView, PXLPhotoProductView, and PXLPhotoRecyclerView now can dynamically mute unmute the sound of videos with .mute()
and .unmute()
methods. Please check out the document.
Fixed a bug in using ImageScaleType in ListHeader.Gif
Fixed a bug in using ImageScaleType.FIT_CENTER and ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP in ListHeader.Gif
- ImageScaleType was always fit_center. but it is now fixed.
Added an extra option of displaying a gif to the header of PXLPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid
Changed an enum class's position from PXLPhotoView.ImageScaleType to ImageScaleType because it is now also used in other areas.
Added an extra option of displaying a gif to the header of PXLPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid.
- gif:
listHeader = ListHeader.Gif(url = "", heightInPixel = 200.px.toInt(), imageScaleType = ImageScaleType.FIT_CENTER)
- text:
val top = "PXLEE\nSHOPPERS"
val tv = "\nTV"
val total = top + tv
val spannable = SpannableString(total)
spannable.setSpan(AbsoluteSizeSpan(40.px.toInt()), 0, top.length, 0); // set size
spannable.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLACK), 0, top.length, 0);// set color
total.indexOf(tv).let { tvLocatedAt ->
spannable.setSpan(AbsoluteSizeSpan(20.px.toInt()), tvLocatedAt, tvLocatedAt + tv.length, 0); // set size
spannable.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLACK), tvLocatedAt, tvLocatedAt + tv.length, 0);// set color
val padding = 20.px.toInt()
listHeader = ListHeader.SpannableText(spannable = spannable,
padding = TextPadding(left = padding, top = padding, right = padding, bottom = padding))
Fix a crash-bug
when trying to load data in PXLPhotoRecyclerView the app crashed. This version fixes this problem.