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Releases: pixlee/android-sdk

Fix a memory leak issue in PXLClient

18 Jan 02:29
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PXLClient held Context as a final variable. This leads to a memory leak.

What's fixed?

Context is removed from the constructor of PXLClient.

Removed an unused line from PXLClient

13 Jan 02:15
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Removed an unused line from PXLClient

Reduced the SDK Size

17 Aug 23:13
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Our Android SDK size decreased 55%.

Library Size change Before After
Pixlee SDK -5.3mb 9.5mb 4.2mb

What's changed?

Library Use Size change Before After Details
ExoPlayer playing video -1.3mb 4.2mb 2.9mb removed Exoplayer.dash and Exoplayer.ima
core-ktx view control -0.1mb 0.1mb 0 replaced androidx.core.view.doOnPreDraw with{...}
kotlinx-coroutines-test for testing -2.2mb 2.2mb 0 removed from the app build. This should only have been included in testing.
jakson -> gson json parser -0.62mb 0.7mb 0.08mb replaced jackson with gson that does the same job
material design utility -1.5mb 1.5mb 0 removed. CardView from material lib got replaced with a XML.

Analytics bug fix

23 Jun 00:48
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Fixed a bug of sending photo ids analytics instead of album photo ids

Added Mosaic and Horizontal options to PXLWidgetView

04 May 02:09
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Added Mosaic and Horizontal options to PXLWidgetView

Mosaic Horizontal

Import guide for SDK users

Step 1: import this sample code into the app project

  • layout
  • kotlin
        widgetTypeForAnalytics = "your_widget_type", // this will be used when this view automatically fires openedWidget, widgetVisible analytics
        viewType = PXLWidgetView.ViewType.Mosaic(gridSpan = 4, lineSpace = Space(lineWidthInPixel = 4.px.toInt(),includingEdge = false)),
        apiParameters = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.Params(
                // album images
                searchId = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.SearchId.Album(BuildConfig.PIXLEE_ALBUM_ID), // product images: searchId = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.SearchId.Product(BuildConfig.PIXLEE_SKU),
                filterOptions = PXLAlbumFilterOptions().apply {
                    // hasProduct and hasPermission are often used together for displaying photos with tagged products and gotten the permission from their creators
                    // if you don't see any photos after the loading is done, go to{your album id} and make sure your photos have the same filter conditions as your filterOptions.
                    hasProduct = true
                    hasPermission = true
                    // more filter options
                    // - hasPermission = true
                    // - inStockOnly = true
                    // - .. there are more. Please check README or PXLAlbumFilterOptions class for more filter options
                sortOptions = PXLAlbumSortOptions().apply {
                    sortType = PXLAlbumSortType.RECENCY
                    descending = true
        configuration = PXLPhotoView.Configuration().apply {
            pxlPhotoSize = PXLPhotoSize.MEDIUM
            imageScaleType = ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP
        loadMoreTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply {
            text = "Load More"
            textPadding = TextPadding(0, 22.px.toInt(), 0, 22.px.toInt())
            size = 24.px
            color = Color.BLACK
        onPhotoClickedListener = { view, photoWithImageScaleType ->
            // TODO: open lightbox
            ViewerActivity.launch(this, photoWithImageScaleType)

Step 2: Set up Horizontal or Mosaic

  • To use Horizontal from PXLWidgetView, you can edit this and replace the value of viewType in the code example with your edited code.
    viewType = PXLWidgetView.ViewType.Horizontal(squareSizeInPixel = <your square Size In Pixel>, lineWidthInPixel = 4.px.toInt()),
  • To use Mosaic from PXLWidgetView, you can edit this and replace the value of viewType in the code example with your edited code.
    viewType = PXLWidgetView.ViewType.Mosaic(gridSpan = 4, lineSpace = Space(lineWidthInPixel = 4.px.toInt(),includingEdge = false)),

Migrated from Jcenter to Maven

26 Jan 08:33
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We no longer use JCenter and do use mavenCentral to publish our SDK. There's 3rd-party libraries' version changes. Please check /build.gradle and /pixleesdk/build.gradle about the changes.

Added hotspots to PXLPhotoProductView

24 May 02:35
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Updates to PXLPhotoProductView

  • If showHotspots = true is passed from the app-side to PXLPhotoProductView, SDK draws hotspots on PXLPhotoProductView similar to lightbox
  • Tapping a hotspot scrolls the product list UI and navigate to the right product.
  • Tapping the content hide and show all hotspots.
  • always read original url to get content's width and height for calculating the positions of hotspots on the screen because bounding_box_products's x, y, with, height are generated based on the original content's width height from Control Panel.


[DEMO] A new example to the demo app

  • how to access the example: Launch the app > main screen > tap Hotspots in PXLPhotoProductView button

[DATA] Added a new field to PXLPhoto

  • boundingBoxProducts contains hotspots' positions on the content
public class PXLPhoto implements Parcelable {
    public List<PXLBoundingBoxProduct> boundingBoxProducts;

public class PXLBoundingBoxProduct implements Parcelable {
    @Json(name = "product_id")
    public String productId;

    @Json(name = "x")
    public int x;

    @Json(name = "y")
    public int y;

    @Json(name = "width")
    public int width;

    @Json(name = "height")
    public int height;

    @Json(name = "aspect_ratio")
    public double aspectRatio;

[UI] Added a new option to PXLPhotoProductView to display hotspots

  • showHotspots: pxlPhotoProductView.setContent(..) is added to PXLPhotoProductView
    - true: display hotspots. tapping on the content show/hide hotspots.
    - false: don't display hotspots.

  • note that hotspots are only visible on Image. it's not available on video.

  • Code Example

    • To display hotspots, you need to set showHotspots = true. Please see the example codes below.
                  showHotspots = true,

Please note that below can happen

Some hotspots are located outside of the screen. This's not a bug. It's from the different screen ratios of mobile devices and the display options which are ImageScaleType's [FIT_CENTER, CENTER_CROP].

What does ImageScaleType do?

  • FIT_CENTER displays all areas of the image keeping the ratio of the content and fill the rest of the screen with a blurry image.
  • CENTER_CROP also keeps the ratio of the content. It fills the screen and crops the rest of the areas.
    Situation 1. FIT_CENTER: displays hotspots in most cases. but it cannot display hotspots that are located outside of the screen area.
    Situation 2. CENTER_CROP: hotspots are located outside of the screen because the areas of the image where certain hotspots are supposed to be located are cropped.

Here's the example

Example 1: Best case

Control Panel

Example 2: in CENTER_CROP, one hotspot is off the screen.

Control Panel

Example 3: in CENTER_CROP, one hotspot is located under the product list UI.

Control Panel

Example 4:

  • FIT_CENTER: a hotspot located top left is partially off the screen.
  • CENTER_CROP: the same hotspot is totally off the screen.
Control Panel

A bug fix of UI

03 May 22:20
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One of the display options of sales price has a bug that has a horizontal line that shouldn't be shown. This pr removes that line.


Old version New fixed version

Fixed a bug of displaying sales price

30 Apr 09:56
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Fixed a bug of displaying sales price.

Add discount price to PXLProduct and a UI Component(PXLPhotoProductView)

30 Apr 00:47
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a new example to the demo app

  • how to access the example: Launch the app > main screen > tap Product View button

[Data] Added new fields to PXLProduct

  • these fields are added to provide discount price information
public class PXLProduct implements Parcelable {
    @Json(name = "sales_start_date")
    public Date salesStartDate;

    @Json(name = "sales_end_date")
    public Date salesEndDate;

    @Json(name = "sales_price")
    public BigDecimal salesPrice;

[UI] Added a new option to PXLPhotoProductView for sales price

FYI, the color and size of the sales price and the default price are fully customizable via CurrencyTextStyle class.

  • discountPriceTextStyle: ProductViewHolder.DiscountPrice(..) is added to PXLPhotoProductView.Configuration
    • priceTextStyle = CurrencyTextStyle

      • isCurrencyLeading:Boolean is added to CurrencyTextStyle. priceTextStyle has the same change as well.
        • true: display currency symbol in front of the price
        • false: display currency symbol after the price
    • DiscountLayout's options

No Option selected or no sales price Demo
  • Code Example
    • To display sales price, you need to set discountPriceTextStyle = ProductViewHolder.DiscountPrice(..). Please see the example codes below.
              .setContent(photoInfo = ...,
                  headerConfiguration = ...,
                  configuration = ProductViewHolder.Configuration().apply {
                      circleIcon = ...
                      mainTextStyle = ...
                      subTextStyle = ..
                      bookmarkDrawable = ..
                      priceTextStyle = ...
                      discountPriceTextStyle = ProductViewHolder.DiscountPrice(
                              discountLayout = ProductViewHolder.DiscountLayout.WITH_DISCOUNT_LABEL,
                              priceTextStyle = CurrencyTextStyle().apply {
                                  isCurrencyLeading = true
                                  defaultCurrency = "EUR" // or null
                                  leftText = TextStyle().apply {
                                      color = Color.RED
                                      size = 24.px
                                      sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
                                      typeface = null
                                  rightText = TextStyle().apply {
                                      color = Color.RED
                                      size = 14.px
                                      sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
                                      typeface = null
                  bookmarkMap = ..,
                  onProductClicked = {