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Releases: pixlee/android-sdk

Added a Grid list

12 Oct 08:47
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this is a class that extends RecyclerView providing an PXLPhotoAdapter, PXLPhotoView and PXLPhotoViewHolder. Please check KtxGalleryGridFragment.kt for example codes in the demo app.

  • you can customize most of ui elements if needed.
  • you can add a header text to the list.
  • you set a header to the grid list.
  • you customize the height of items.
  • infinite scroll is not available here.
  • auto video playing is not available.

Add this to your xml


isLoopingVideo and soundMuted will be ignored in PXLPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid because PXLPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid does not support playing videos in the list

PhotoWithImageScaleType(pxlPhoto = pxlPhoto,  //data
    imageScaleType = PXLPhotoView.ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP, // [CENTER_CROP, FIT_CENTER]
    heightInPixel = cellSize, // the height cell size in RecyclerView
    isLoopingVideo = true,    // true: loop the video, false; play it once and stop it
    soundMuted = true        // true: muted, false: unmuted

Add this to your Activity or Fragment

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    // you can customize color, size if you need
    pxlPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid.initiate(gridSpan = 2, // the number of cells in a row in the grid list
                    lineSpace = Space().apply {
                        lineWidthInPixel = 4.px.toInt() // space in pixel between cells
                        includingEdge = false           // true: if you want to have the space out side of the list, false: no space out side of the list  
                    listHeaderText = getTitleSpannable(), // you can add and custom a header text of the list with your spannable, and getTitleSpannable() is one example of how you can implement your spannable  
                    showingDebugView = false,
                    configuration = PXLPhotoView.Configuration().apply {
                        // Customize image size, not a video
                        pxlPhotoSize = PXLPhotoSize.ORIGINAL
                        // Customize Main TextView
                        mainTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply {
                            text = "Spring\nColors"
                            size = 30.px
                            sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
                            typeface = null
                            textPadding = TextPadding(bottom = 30.px.toInt())
                        // Customize Sub TextView
                        subTextViewStyle = null // you can hide this view by giving it null
                        // Customize Button
                        buttonStyle = PXLPhotoView.ButtonStyle().apply {
                            text = "VER AHORA"
                            size = 12.px
                            sizeUnit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
                            typeface = null
                            buttonIcon = com.pixlee.pixleesdk.R.drawable.baseline_play_arrow_white_24
                            stroke = PXLPhotoView.Stroke().apply {
                                width = 1.px.toInt()
                                color = Color.WHITE
                                radiusInPixel = 25.px
                                padding = PXLPhotoView.Padding().apply {
                                    left = 10.px.toInt()
                                    centerRight = 20.px.toInt()
                                    topBottom = 10.px.toInt()
                    }, onButtonClickedListener = { view, photoWithImageScaleType ->
                context?.also { ctx ->
                    // you can add your business logic here
                    Toast.makeText(ctx, "onButtonClickedListener", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
            }, onPhotoClickedListener = { view, photoWithImageScaleType ->
                context?.also { ctx ->
                    // you can add your business logic here
                    Toast.makeText(ctx, "onItemClickedListener", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

    pxlPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
        override fun onGlobalLayout() {
            try {
                if (pxlPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid == null)

                // this is to display two items at a time on the screen
                val cellHeightInPixel = pxlPhotoRecyclerViewInGrid.measuredHeight * 0.6f
            } catch (e: Exception) {


fun startList(cellSize: Int) {
    // write codes to get photos first. Read API doc.
    // you should convert List<PXLPhoto> into List<PhotoWithImageScaleType>
    val pxlPhotos: List<PXLPhoto> = ....

    // turn the list into List<PhotoWithImageScaleType> to set ImageScaleType[CENTER_CROP, FIT_CENTER], and the cells' height size
    val list = ArrayList<PhotoWithImageScaleType>()
    pxlPhotos.forEach { pxlPhoto ->
        list.add(PhotoWithImageScaleType(pxlPhoto = pxlPhoto,
                                        imageScaleType = PXLPhotoView.ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP,
                                        heightInPixel = cellSize,
                                        isLoopingVideo = true,
                                        soundMuted = true))
        list.add(PhotoWithImageScaleType(pxlPhoto = pxlPhoto,
                                        imageScaleType = PXLPhotoView.ImageScaleType.FIT_CENTER,
                                        heightInPixel = cellSize,
                                        isLoopingVideo = true,
                                        soundMuted = true))

    // start the list UI by passing these arguments

    // if you just want to use List<PXLPhoto>, you can do that by following these steps
    // alternative step 1: val photos: List<PXLPhoto> = ....
    // alternative step 2: pxlPhotoRecyclerView.replaceList(photos.toList(), PXLPhotoView.ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP, cellSize)

fun getTitleSpannable(): SpannableString{
    val top = "PXLEE\nSHOPPERS"
    val tv = "\nTV"
    val total = top + tv
    val spannable = SpannableString(total)

    spannable.setSpan(AbsoluteSizeSpan(40.px.toInt()), 0, top.length, 0); // set size
    spannable.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLACK), 0, top.length, 0);// set color

    total.indexOf(tv).let { tvLocatedAt ->
        spannable.setSpan(AbsoluteSizeSpan(20.px.toInt()), tvLocatedAt, tvLocatedAt + tv.length, 0); // set size
        spannable.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLACK), tvLocatedAt, tvLocatedAt + tv.length, 0);// set color

    return spannable

Renamed confusing words

07 Oct 04:33
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Rename photo to content in documentation
Rename method names of pxlPhotoView.setPhoto(...) and pxlPhotoProductView.setPhoto(...) to .loadContent(...)

Improve UI widgets

05 Oct 08:42
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What's new

  • Fade out for a view playing the video in PXLPhotoRecyclerView is available.
  • More documentation for customizing UI components like PhotoWithImageScaleType(…, soundMuted = true) and bookmark.
  • the TextViews of the product's price in the PXLPhotoProductView now can be customizable.

Force product list's height to be always the same

02 Nov 03:11
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Change how to play video

30 Oct 05:56
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In order to prevent blinking video on onResume coming from onPause, the library now behaves differently internally. You do not need to change any of your codes.

  1. play a video
  2. pause it
  3. resume it
  4. iterate 2 and 3

Change video player library

28 Sep 08:39
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due to many bugs of the previous video player library, we added a new video player library which is more stable.

Video Player & Kotlin.coroutines APIs

28 Sep 09:29
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What's changed from 1.0.4-beta02

  • the video player library is changed but there's no need to add the library in the app project.
  • a color:Int is added to TextStyle.kt to allow the SDK users to customize the text color.

What's new compared to the previous official version, 1.0.3

  • Kotlin is added: please note that Kotlin and Java can be used in a project. To differentiate Java classes and Kotlin classes, I added a keyword ktx to Kotlin classes' name
  • UI components for a video player, written in Kotlin.
  • API requests(Album, PDP, and Analytics) via Kotlin.coroutines: this is a similar way of Scala's Future + await in dealing with async tasks. So, there's no need to use callbacks(interface) anymore. The SDK users can just get the result from the API methods directly within a scope(Kotlin.coroutines' language feature). I added sample codes throughout the demo app.
  • a new library project is added to implement VideoWidget:
  • Documentation for UI components and Kotlin.coroutines APIs
  • This Android SDK is now provided via a Gradle to our users. They now can use this by adding a Gradle dependency to their Gradle file in their Android projects. There is a guide for it in README.

Document (available in the main README)


Video Player & Kotlin.coroutines APIs

25 Sep 03:35
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What's new

  • Kotlin is added: please note that Kotlin and Java can be used in a project. To differentiate Java classes and Kotlin classes, I added a keyword ktx to Kotlin classes' name
  • UI components for a video player, written in Kotlin.
  • API requests(Album, PDP, and Analytics) via Kotlin.coroutines: this is a similar way of Scala's Future + await in dealing with async tasks. So, there's no need to use callbacks(interface) anymore. The SDK users can just get the result from the API methods directly within a scope(Kotlin.coroutines' language feature). I added sample codes throughout the demo app.
  • a new library project is added to implement VideoPlayerView:
  • Documentation for UI components and Kotlin.coroutines APIs
  • This Android SDK is now provided via a Gradle to our users. They now can use this by adding a Gradle dependency to their Gradle file in their Android projects. There is a guide for it in README.

Document (available in the main README)


Improve Documentation

24 Sep 08:03
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Improve Documentation

Video Player & Kotlin.coroutines APIs

21 Sep 13:09
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This is an alpha version for Video Player and restful API development for Kotlin.coroutines.