Perl script for generating genotype calls for unrelated durum wheat samples assayed using the Illumina iSelect 90K SNP bead chip array
This scripts generates genotype calls for unrelated samples assayed using the iSelect 90K wheat SNP bead chip.
Genotype calls (A and B, where A denotes adenosine or thymine; and B denotes cytosine and guanine) are generated for
clusters that unambigiously associate with genetically map loci.
Options for running this perl script
-c Folder path and name of file containing cluster information; *_ClusterToMappedLoci.txt
-f Folder path and name of FullDataTable exported from GenomeStudio
Format: Text-delimited <SNPindex><SNPname><Sample1.theta><Sample1.normR><Sample2.theta><Sample2.normR> etc
-d Distance limit for cluster assignment (in standard deviations). Default 2
-s Confidence score for genotype call(value between 0 and 1, where 1 is highest) Default 0.7
-r Only report polymorphic SNPs in *_GENO_InformativeSNPtable and *_GENO_InformativeSNPreport
when they have MAF > user-specified value. Use 0 to report all SNPs
-o Folder path and name of output file