- Added macros, you can add your own buttons for import/export dialog, object parameter editor and for two new tools.
- To add them hit Customize > Customize user interface > Toolbars and drag them onto the toolbar.
Import/export improvements,
- You need to set the path for export only once, so you can export more quickly.
- Added 'Open...' button to the dialog
- Normals are now imported by default (into new cached normals modifier)
- No need to reset xforms anymore when adjusting pivots, vertices are now transformed automatically
Unit scaling
- You can now choose if you want to rescale units on import/export to centimeters, milimeters, inches...
- This also benefits skinning, since weight painting is easier with smaller units (like cm)
Skinning improvements
- Theres additional root bone added on import that contains other bones - exported models also need this new bone.
- This makes working with skins easier and makes it possible to import them to Blender.
- Use the new tool 'Convert old skeleton' to convert old models.
- Any type of node can be a bone now.
- Setting bone affect limit to 2 is not needed any more and it is actually discouraged now.
- New tool for finding weight conflicts - when weight is not a parent of the second weight
- Skins are now fully working on 2012, 2013, 2014.
Glows and targets
- Added support for glows (glowing texture for lights, or for sun lens flare)
- Open Create panel > Geometry > 4ds Tools
- Added support for targets (eye and neck targets).
- Open Create panel > Helpers > 4ds Tools
- Materials with color key transparency are now shown correctly in the viewport
- Multimaterials are now created per object instead of one for the whole file.
- Removed Don't optimize flag from the param editor, it's not needed with normals imported by default.
- Morph target nodes are not created anymore ($morph A1), morph data is stored in the morpher modifier only.
- And many under the hood changes
Also this version comes with an installer!