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Validate tabular bioinformatics file formats in Google Sheets

Keemei (canonically pronounced key may) is an open source Google Sheets add-on for validating tabular bioinformatics file formats, including QIIME 2 metadata files.

To get started using Keemei, visit


If you use Keemei for any published research, please include the following citation:

Keemei: cloud-based validation of tabular bioinformatics file formats in Google Sheets. Rideout JR, Chase JH, Bolyen E, Ackermann G, González A, Knight R, Caporaso JG. GigaScience. 2016;5:27.

Find the Keemei paper here.


Keemei is available under the new BSD license. See LICENSE for Keemei's license.

Keemei uses and distributes Moment.js, available under the MIT license. See licenses/Moment.js.txt.


Keemei is a QIIME 2 project developed by the Caporaso Lab. See the full list of Keemei's contributors on GitHub. Keemei was originally developed by Jai Ram Rideout (@jairideout) in the Caporaso Lab. Keemei's logo was created by John Chase (@johnchase).