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Executing SpecFlow Tests

gasparnagy edited this page May 11, 2011 · 2 revisions

With SpecFlow you can define the acceptance criteria in feature files that can be executed. These tests are usually placed in a separate project in the solution (e.g. "BookShop.AcceptanceTests" in the BookShop sample).

SpecFlow generates executable unit tests from the defined acceptance criteria (called scenarios). The generated unit tests are in a code-behind file of the feature files (e.g. US01_BookSearch.feature.cs).

The execution of the tests depends on the unit test provider used by SpecFlow. The unit test provider can be configured in the app.config file of the test project:

  <unitTestProvider name="MsTest" />

For example for MsTest unit test provider, all acceptance tests in the project can be executed with the following steps:

  1. Select the acceptance test project (e.g. BookShop.AcceptanceTests) in solution explorer.
  2. Select command from the main menu: Test / Run / Tests in Current Context (Ctrl R,T)

For executing a single scenario, the test explorer can be used. Alternatively the generated test method can be executed from the generated code-behind file.

See also Test Result and Debugging Tests.

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