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gasparnagy edited this page May 24, 2011 · 2 revisions

SpecFlow provides various options to generate reports related to the acceptance tests.

##Test Execution Report

This report provides a formatted HTML report of a test execution. The report contains a summary about the executed tests and the result and also a detailed report for the individual scenario executions.

See the following sub-sections for how to generate the test execution report depending on the unit test provider used.

###NUnit Test Execution Report

In order to generate this report you have to execute the acceptance tests with the nunit-console runner. This tool generates an XML summary about the test executions. To have the detailed scenario execution traces visible, you also need to capture the test output using the /out and the /labels options as it can be seen in the following example.

nunit-console.exe /labels /out=TestResult.txt /xml=TestResult.xml bin\Debug\BookShop.AcceptanceTests.dll

The two generated file can be used to invoke the SpecFlow report generation. If you use the output file names shown above it is enough to specify the project file path containing the feature files.

specflow.exe nunitexecutionreport BookShop.AcceptanceTests.csproj /out:MyResult.html

The following table contains the possible arguments for this command.

Attribute Value Description
projectFile A path of the project file containing the feature files. This is a mandatory argument.
/xmlTestResult NUnit XML test result file The XML test result file generated by nunit-console. Optional.
Default: TestResult.xml
/testOutput NUnit test output file The labeled test output file generated by nunit-console. Optional.
Default: TestResult.txt
/out HTML file Generated Output File. Optional.
Default: TestResult.html
/xsltFile XSLT file Custom XSLT file to use, defaults to built-in stylesheet if not provided. Optional.
Default: not specified

###MsTest Test Execution Report

specflow.exe mstestexecutionreport BookShop.AcceptanceTests.csproj /testResult:result.trx /out:MyResult.html

The following table contains the possible arguments for this command.

Attribute Value Description
projectFile A path of the project file containing the feature files. This is a mandatory argument.
/testResult MsTest test result (trx) file The TRX test result file generated by MsTest. Optional.
Default: TestResult.trx
/out HTML file Generated Output File. Optional.
Default: TestResult.html
/xsltFile XSLT file Custom XSLT file to use, defaults to built-in stylesheet if not provided. Optional.
Default: not specified

##Step Definition Report

This report shows the usage and binding status of the steps for the entire project.

specflow.exe stepdefinitionreport BookShop.AcceptanceTests.csproj

Important for .NET 4.0 projects: Because specflow.exe is compiled for .NET 3.5, it cannot load .NET 4.0 assemblies by default. To generate this report for .NET 4.0 projects, you have to force specflow.exe to use the .NET 4.0 runtime by using the config file. Just copy the config below and create a specflow.exe.config file and put it next to your specflow.exe and you will be able to create the step definition report.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
         <supportedRuntime version="v4.0.30319" /> 

The following table contains the possible arguments for this command.

Attribute Value Description
projectFile A path of the project file containing the feature files. This is a mandatory argument.
/binFolder A folder path (absolute or relative to the project folder) A path for the compiled SpecFlow project. Optional.
Default: bin\Debug
/out HTML file Generated Output File. Optional.
Default: StepDefinitionReport.html
/xsltFile XSLT file Custom XSLT file to use, defaults to built-in stylesheet if not provided. Optional.
Default: not specified
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