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Releases: reanahub/reana


16 Dec 09:50
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0.9.4 (2024-12-16)

✨ What's new in REANA 0.9.4

REANA 0.9.4 is a minor update that adds support for using user secrets in
Jupyter notebook sessions, adds support for the Compute4PUNCH infrastructure,
fixes issues with the HTCondor compute backend job dispatch, and improves the
security of the platform.

Please see the REANA 0.9.4 release blog post for more information.

⚡ Detailed changelog for REANA 0.9.4 components

reana 0.9.4 (2024-12-03)

  • [Build] helm: add support for Kubernetes 1.30 (#799) (748ca07)
  • [Build] helm: add support for Kubernetes 1.31 (#822) (7da51d3)
  • [Features] config: add Compute4PUNCH backend (#780) (c2f490b)
  • [Features] helm: allow cluster administrator to configure ingress host (#804) (1479730)
  • [Features] helm: allow only reana-server to connect to reana-cache (#847) (e1772ff)
  • [Features] helm: release check on most-supported Kubernetes version (#848) (1a98b0a)
  • [Features] helm: support password-protected rabbitmq (#847) (20a0ea8)
  • [Features] helm: support password-protected redis (#847) (be12076)
  • [Features] scripts: upgrade to Jupyter SciPy 7.2.2 notebook (#846) (1ca9dea)
  • [Bug fixes] helm: allow interactive-session-cleanup job to access RWC (#853) (b9bc602)
  • [Bug fixes] reana-dev: correctly handle missing changelog of components (#858) (32549d1), closes #857
  • [Continuous integration] python: pin setuptools 70 (#822) (be45c54)
  • [Documentation] helm: clarify secrets-related warning in README (#847) (fab5591)

reana-client 0.9.4 (2024-11-29)

  • [Build] docker: create reana-client container image (#710) (2c99c5d), closes #709
  • [Build] python: add support for Python 3.13 (#736) (fd9b944)
  • [Build] python: bump shared REANA packages as of 2024-11-28 (#736) (778df03)
  • [Continuous integration] actions: pin setuptools 70 (#728) (0a4bcc7)
  • [Documentation] cli: fix open command documentation typo (#728) (c822dd6)

reana-commons 0.9.9 (2024-11-28)

  • [Build] python: add support for Python 3.13 (#480) (5de7605)
  • [Features] schema: allow Compute4PUNCH backend options (#445) (0570f4a)
  • [Bug fixes] config: remove hard-coded component host name domain (#458) (f2faeaa), closes #457
  • [Continuous integration] actions: pin setuptools 70 (#479) (b80bc70)

reana-db 0.9.5 (2024-11-26)

  • [Features] cli: add new migrate-secret-key command (#240) (efcbe72)
  • [Continuous integration] actions: pin setuptools 70 (#239) (3202759)
  • [Continuous integration] python: test more Python versions (#239) (e0cba7f)

reana-job-controller 0.9.4 (2024-11-29)

  • [Build] deps: update reana-auth-vomsproxy to 1.3.0 (#466) (72e9ea1)
  • [Build] docker: pin setuptools 70 (#465) (c593d9b)
  • [Build] python: bump shared REANA packages as of 2024-11-28 (#477) (9cdd06c)
  • [Features] backends: add new Compute4PUNCH backend (#430) (4243252)
  • [Bug fixes] config: read secret key from env (#476) (1b5aa98)
  • [Bug fixes] config: update reana-auth-vomsproxy to 1.2.1 to fix WLCG IAM (#457) (132868f)
  • [Bug fixes] htcondorcern: run provided command in unpacked image (#474) (9cda591), closes #471
  • [Bug fixes] htcondorcern: support multiline commands (#474) (eb07aa9), closes #470
  • [Bug fixes] kubernetes: avoid privilege escalation in Kubernetes jobs (#476) (389f0ea)

reana-server 0.9.4 (2024-11-29)

  • [Build] python: bump shared REANA packages as of 2024-11-28 (#714) (94fbf77)
  • [Features] config: make ACCOUNTS_USERINFO_HEADERS customisable (#713) (8c01d51)
  • [Features] config: make APP_DEFAULT_SECURE_HEADERS customisable (#713) (1919358)
  • [Features] config: make PROXYFIX_CONFIG customisable ([#...
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13 Mar 13:25
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0.9.3 (2024-03-13)

✨ What's new in REANA 0.9.3

REANA 0.9.3 is a minor update that upgrades Snakemake workflow engine to version 7, improves job submission performance for massively-parallel workflows, improves the clean-up processing for stopped and failed workflows, and brings other minor improvements and bug fixes.

Please see the REANA 0.9.3 release blog post for more information.

⚡ Detailed changelog for REANA 0.9.3 components

reana 0.9.3 (2024-03-13)

  • [Build] helm: add support for Kubernetes 1.29 (#775) (ae90500)
  • [Features] helm: add value to customise env vars of job controller (#781) (634691f)
  • [Features] helm: add value to customise PostgreSQL docker image (#774) (07a191f), closes #773
  • [Features] helm: add value to customise URL of privacy notice (#778) (650ddbd)
  • [Features] helm: add values to customise env vars of workflow engines (#781) (35ee032)
  • [Features] helm: use PostgreSQL 14.10 in local dev deployment (#774) (43ead8a), closes #744
  • [Features] reana-dev: add git-aggregate-changelog (#789) (6210b11)
  • [Features] reana-dev: add date to commits bumping dependencies (#787) (a4cb84c)
  • [Bug fixes] reana-dev: add PR number in commits bumping shared modules (#783) (57c6755)
  • [Bug fixes] reana-dev: create commits that conform to conventional style (#777) (86d0133)
  • [Bug fixes] reana-dev: delete extra files with git-submodule --update (#764) (e5680ce)
  • [Bug fixes] reana-dev: detect number of already open PR in commit suffix (#783) (c533c34)
  • [Bug fixes] reana-dev: update container image labels when releasing (#765) (fe6bc2c)
  • [Code refactoring] docs: move from reST to Markdown (#776) (79aedb9)
  • [Code style] black: format with black v24 (#772) (311e157)
  • [Continuous integration] commitlint: addition of commit message linter (#767) (be77666)
  • [Continuous integration] commitlint: allow release commit style (#785) (a6f95ac)
  • [Continuous integration] commitlint: check for the presence of concrete PR number (#771) (2c34634)
  • [Continuous integration] release-please: initial configuration (#767) (bb45539)
  • [Continuous integration] release-please: update version in Helm Chart (#770) (09c9210)
  • [Continuous integration] shellcheck: fix exit code propagation (#771) (035d51c)
  • [Documentation] authors: complete list of contributors (#779) (123eae8)
  • [Documentation] chat: remove Gitter (#782) (aba8ac2)

reana-client 0.9.3 (2024-03-13)

  • [Build] appimage: upgrade to Python 3.8.18 (#704) (783c17a)
  • [Bug fixes] status: display correct duration of stopped workflows (#701) (b53def8), closes #699
  • [Code refactoring] docs: move from reST to Markdown (#703) (c9c4d53)
  • [Code style] black: format with black v24 (#702) (02dc830)
  • [Test suite] snakemake: allow running Snakemake 7 tests on Python 3.11+ (#700) (8ad7ff1), closes #655
  • [Continuous integration] commitlint: addition of commit message linter (#695) (2de7d61)
  • [Continuous integration] commitlint: allow release commit style (#708) (f552752)
  • [Continuous integration] commitlint: check for the presence of concrete PR number (#698) (fa5b7c7)
  • [Continuous integration] pytest: install tests package variant instead of all (#703) (fe0b00a)
  • [Continuous integration] release-please: initial configuration (#695) (5b278f1)
  • [Continuous integration] shellcheck: fix exit code propagation (#698) (fe696ea)
  • [Documentation] authors: complete list of contributors (#705) (875997c)

reana-commons 0.9.8 (2024-03-01)

  • [Build] python: change extra names to comply with PEP 685 (#446) (9dad6da)
  • [Build] python: require smart-open<7 for Python 3.6 (#446) (17fd581)
  • [Build] python: restore snakemake reports extra (#446) (904178f)
  • [Continuous integration] commitlint: allow release commit style (#447) (1208ccf)

reana-commons [0.9.7](

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19 Dec 07:34
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  • Users:
    • Adds web interface form allowing to generate launcher URL for any user-provided public analysis, as well as the Markdown snippet for the corresponding Launch-on-REANA badge.
    • Adds web interface option to delete all the runs of a workflow.
    • Changes the Launch-on-REANA web interface page to improve how workflow parameters are shown by displaying them inside a table.
    • Changes CVMFS support to allow users to automatically mount any available repository.
    • Changes the REANA specification schema to use the draft-07 version of the JSON Schema specification.
    • Changes reana-client validate command to show detailed errors when the specification file is not a valid YAML file.
    • Changes validation of REANA specification to make the environment property mandatory for the steps of serial workflows.
    • Changes validation of REANA specification to raise a warning for unexpected properties for the steps of serial workflows.
    • Changes validation of REANA specification to report improved validation warnings which also indicate where unexpected properties are located in the file.
    • Changes workflow restarts to allow for more than nine restarts of the same workflows.
    • Changes workflow scheduler logging behaviour to also report the main reason behind scheduling errors to the users.
    • Fixes reana-client list command to accept case-insensitive column names when sorting the returned workflow runs via the --sort option.
    • Fixes reana-client run wrapper command for workflows that do not contain inputs clause in their specification.
    • Fixes reana-client's create_workflow_from_json API function to always load and send the workflow specification to the server.
    • Fixes creation of image thumbnails for output files in Snakemake HTML execution reports.
  • Administrators:
    • Changes several database index definitions in order to improve performance of most common database queries.
    • Changes the names of database table, column, index and key constraints in order to follow the SQLAlchemy upstream naming conventions everywhere.
    • Changes the Workflow table to replace the run_number column with two new columns run_number_major and run_number_minor in order to allow for more than nine restarts of user workflows.
    • Changes CVMFS support to allow users to automatically mount any available repository, thanks to CVMFS CSI v2.
    • Fixes the mounting of CVMFS volumes for the REANA deployments that use non-default Kubernetes namespace.
    • Fixes container image building of cluster components for the arm64 architecture.
    • Fixes job monitoring in cases when job creation fails, for example when it is not possible to successfully mount volumes.
    • Fixes job status consumer exception while attempting to fetch workflow engine logs for workflows that could not have been successfully scheduled.
    • Fixes the creation of Kubernetes jobs by retrying in case of error and by correctly handling the error after reaching the retry limit.
  • Developers:
    • Adds automated multi-platform container image building of cluster components for amd64 and arm64 architectures.
    • Adds new --image-name option to the reana-dev docker-push command to customise the name of the docker image to publish.
    • Adds new --platform option to the reana-dev docker-build and reana-dev release-docker commands to build and publish multi-platform images.
    • Adds new --registry option to the reana-dev docker-push and reana-dev release-docker commands to specify the registry where the built docker images should be pushed to.
    • Adds new --tags-only option to the reana-dev release-docker command to only print the final docker image names, without pushing the images to the registry.
    • Adds new reana-dev git-create-release-branch command to create a new Git branch for a new release.
    • Adds new reana-dev git-upgrade-requirements command to upgrade the requirements.txt file before a new release.
    • Changes reana-dev git-fork and reana-dev git-create-pr to use the gh CLI client instead of hub.
    • Changes reana-dev python-run-tests command to allow excluding certain Python components.
    • Changes reana-dev python-run-tests command to allow execution of selected pytests only by passing over PYTEST_ADDOPTS environment variable.
    • Changes validation of REANA specification to expose functions for loading workflow input parameters and workflow specifications.
    • Changes version of reana-ui Node.js Docker image from 16 to 18.
    • Changes the workflow deletion endpoint to return a different and more appropriate message when deleting all the runs of a workflow.
    • Changes the workflow list endpoint on how pagination is performed in order to avoid counting twice the total number of records.
    • Fixes reana-dev python-run-tests command to create Python-3.8 based virtual environments to use the same version as container images.


28 Sep 06:17
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  • Users:
    • Adds support for Python 3.12.
    • Adds support for previewing PDF files present in a workflow's workspace.
    • Adds support for previewing ROOT files present in a workflow's workspace.
    • Adds support for signing-in with a custom third-party Keycloak instance.
    • Adds a new menu item to the workflow actions popup to allow stopping running workflows.
    • Adds prune command to delete all intermediate files of a given workflow. Use with care.
    • Changes the deletion of a workflow to automatically delete an open interactive session attached to its workspace.
    • Changes the workflow deletion message to clarify that attached interactive sessions are also closed when a workflow is deleted.
    • Changes the workflow progress bar to always display it as completed for finished workflows.
    • Changes the interactive session notification to also report that the session will be closed after a specified number of days of inactivity.
    • Changes the workflow-details page to make it possible to scroll through the list of workflow steps in the job logs section.
    • Changes the workflow-details page to not automatically refresh the selected job when viewing the related logs, but keeping the user-selected one active.
    • Changes the page titles to conform to the same sentence case style.
    • Changes the launcher page to show warnings when validating the REANA specification file of the workflow to be launched.
    • Changes open command to inform user about the auto-closure of interactive sessions after a certain inactivity timeout.
    • Changes validate command to display non-critical validation warnings when checking the REANA specification file.
    • Changes Rucio authentication helper to allow users to override the Rucio server and authentication hosts independently of VO name.
    • Fixes job status inconsistency when stopping a workflow by setting the job statuses to stopped for any running jobs.
    • Fixes calculation of workflow runtime durations for stopped workflows.
    • Fixes list command to correctly list workflows when sorting them by their run number or by the size of their workspace.
    • Fixes du command help message typo.
    • Fixes validation --environments command to correctly handle fully-qualified image names.
    • Fixes deletion of failed jobs not being performed when Kerberos is enabled.
    • Fixes job monitoring to consider OOM-killed jobs as failed.
    • Fixes detection of default Rucio server and authentication host for ATLAS VO.
    • Fixes the reported total number of jobs for restarted workflows by excluding cached jobs that were simply reused from previous runs in the workspace and not really executed by Snakemake.
    • Fixes an issue where Snakemake workflows could get stuck waiting for already-finished jobs.
  • Administrators:
    • Adds support for Kubernetes clusters 1.26, 1.27, 1.28.
    • Adds new configuration option components.reana_ui.launcher_examples to customise the demo examples that are shown in the launch page in the REANA UI.
    • Adds new configuration option interactive_sessions.maximum_inactivity_period to set a limit in days for the maximum inactivity period of interactive sessions after which they will be closed.
    • Adds new configuration option interactive_sessions.cronjob_schedule to set how often interactive session cleanup should be performed.
    • Adds new configuration option ingress.extra to define extra Ingress resources, in order to support redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS with traefik v2 version.
    • Adds new configuration option ingress.tls.hosts to define hosts that are present in the TLS certificate, in order to support cert-manager's automatic creation of certificates.
    • Adds new configuration option notifications.email_config.smtp_ssl to use SSL when connecting to the SMTP email server.
    • Adds new configuration option notifications.email_config.smtp_starttls to use the STARTTLS command to enable encryption after connecting to the SMTP email server.
    • Adds new configuration option components.reana_ui.file_preview_size_limit to set the maximum file size that can be previewed in the web interface.
    • Adds new configuration options login and secrets.login for configuring Keycloak SSO login with third-party authentication services.
    • Adds new interactive-session-cleanup command that can be used by REANA administrators to close interactive sessions that are inactive for more than the specified number of days.
    • Adds progress meter to the logs of the periodic quota updater.
    • Adds the content of the secrets.gitlab.REANA_GITLAB_HOST configuration option to the list of GitLab instances from which it is possible to launch a workflow.
    • Changes uWSGI configuration to increase buffer size, add vacuum option, etc.
    • Changes CPU and disk quota calculations to improve the performance of periodic quota updater.
    • Changes the system status report to simplify and clarify the disk usage summary.
    • Changes check-workflows command to also check the presence of workspaces on the shared volume.
    • Changes check-workflows command to not show in-sync runs by default. If needed, they can be shown using the new --show-all option.
    • Changes reana-admin command options to require the passing of --admin-access-token argument more globally.
    • Changes the k8s specification for interactive session pods to include labels for improved subset selection of objects.
    • Changes the k8s specification for interactive session ingress resource to include annotations.
    • Changes nginx configuration to save bandwidth by serving gzip-compressed static files.
    • Changes HTCondor to version 9.0.17 (LTS).
    • Fixes uWSGI memory consumption on systems with very high allowed number of open files.
    • Fixes cronjob failures due to database connection issues when REANA is deployed with non-default namespace or prefix.
    • Fixes ingress.enabled option to correctly enable or disable the creation of Ingresses.
    • Fixes graceful shutdown for reana-server and reana-workflow-controller.
    • Fixes the workflow priority calculation to avoid workflows stuck in the queued status when the number of allowed concurrent workflow is set to zero.
    • Fixes GitLab integration to automatically redirect the user to the correct URL when the access request is accepted.
    • Fixes authentication flow to correctly deny access to past revoked tokens in case the same user has also other new active tokens.
    • Fixes email templates to show the correct kubectl commands when REANA is deployed inside a non-default namespace or with a custom component name prefix.
    • Fixes email sender for system emails to notifications.email_config.sender Helm value.
    • Fixes email receiver for token request emails to use notifications.email_config.receiver Helm value.
    • Fixes quota-set-default-limits command to propagate default quota limits to all users without custom quota limit values.
    • Fixes job status consumer to correctly rollback the database transaction when an error occurs.
    • Fixes intermittent Slurm connection issues by DNS-resolving the Slurm head node IPv4 address before establishing connections.
    • Fixes Slurm command generation issues when using fully-qualified image names.
    • Fixes high memory usage of RabbitMQ by limiting the maximum number of open file descriptors.
    • Removes support for Kubernetes version prior to 1.21.
  • Developers:
    • Adds new prune_workspace endpoint to allow users to delete all the files of a workflow, specifying whether to also delete the inputs and/or the outputs.
    • Adds the timestamp of when the workflow was stopped (run_stopped_at) to the workflow list and the workflow status endpoints.
    • Adds unique error messages to Kubernetes job monitor to more easily identify source of problems.
    • Adds new --parallel option to docker-build, cluster-build and run-ci to build multiple docker images in parallel.
    • Changes launch endpoint to also include the warnings of the validation of the workflow specification.
    • Changes OpenAPI specification of the info endpoint to return the maximum inactivity time before automatic closure of interactive sessions.
    • Changes apispec dependency version in order to be compatible with PyYAML v6.
    • Changes Paramiko to version 3.0.0.
    • Changes remote storage file support for Snakemake workflows to use XRootD 5.6.0.
    • Fixes cluster-deploy, cluster-undeploy and client-setup-environment commands when using custom instance name or kubernetes namespace.
    • Fixes the git-tag command to display the component name.
    • Fixes container image names to be Podman-compatible.
    • Fixes location of HTCondor build dependencies.


06 Sep 15:21
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REANA reproducible research data analysis platform


26 Jun 14:33
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REANA reproducible research data analysis platform


02 May 08:59
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REANA reproducible research data analysis platform


10 Mar 13:07
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REANA reproducible research data analysis platform


26 Jan 17:02
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  • Users:
    • Adds support for Rucio authentication for workflow jobs.
    • Adds support for Kerberos authentication for workflow orchestration.
    • Adds support for specifying slurm_partition and slurm_time for Slurm compute backend jobs.
    • Adds support for XRootD remote file locations in Snakemake workflow specification definitions.
    • Adds support for Python 3.11.
    • Adds Launch on REANA page allowing the submission of workflows via badge-clicking.
    • Adds notifications to inform users when critical levels of quota usage is reached.
    • Adds 404 Not Found error page.
    • Adds tab titles to all the pages.
    • Adds the REANA_WORKSPACE environment variable to jupyter notebooks and terminals.
    • Adds option to sort workflows by most disk and cpu quota usage to the workflow list endpoint.
    • Adds support for specifying and listing workspace file retention rules.
    • Adds support for .gitignore and .reanaignore to specify files that should not be uploaded to REANA.
    • Adds retention-rules-list command to list the retention rules of a workflow.
    • Changes REANA specification to allow specifying retention_days for the workflow.
    • Changes default Slurm partition to inf-short.
    • Changes GitLab integration to also retrieve user's projects that are in groups and subgroups.
    • Changes the workflow-details page to show the logs of the workflow engine.
    • Changes the workflow-details page to show file sizes in a human-readable format.
    • Changes the workflow-details page to show the workspace's retention rules.
    • Changes the workflow-details page to show the duration of the workflow's jobs.
    • Changes the workflow-details page to display a label of the workflow launcher URL remote origin.
    • Changes the workflow-details page to periodically refresh the content of the page.
    • Changes the workflow-details page to refresh after the deletion of a workflow.
    • Changes the workflow-list page to add a way to hide deleted workflows.
    • Changes the workflow-list page to add new workflows sorting options by most used disk and cpu quota.
    • Changes the deletion of a workflow to always clean up the workspace and to update the user disk quota usage.
    • Changes the CWD of jupyter's terminals to the directory of the workflow's workspace.
    • Changes percentage ranges used to calculate the health status of user resource quota usage.
    • Changes create and restart commands to always upload the REANA specification file.
    • Changes delete command to always delete the workflow's workspace.
    • Changes delete_workflow Python API function to always delete the workflow's workspace.
    • Changes download command to add the possibility to write files to the standard output via -o - option.
    • Changes list command to hide deleted workflows by default.
    • Changes list command to allow displaying deleted workflows via --all and --show-deleted-runs options.
    • Changes list and status commands to allow displaying the duration of workflows with the --include-duration option.
    • Changes mv command to allow moving files while a workflow is running.
    • Changes upload command to prevent uploading symlinks.
    • Changes validation --environment command to use Docker registry v2 APIs to check that a Docker image exists in DockerHub.
    • Fixes list command to highlight the workflow specified in REANA_WORKON correctly.
    • Fixes secrets-delete command error message when deleting non existing secrets.
    • Fixes start command to report failed workflows as errors.
    • Fixes start and run commands to correctly follow the execution of the workflow until termination.
    • Fixes status command to respect output format provided by the --format option.
    • Fixes upload command to report when input directories are listed under the files section in the REANA specification file and vice versa.
    • Fixes validate --environment command to detect illegal whitespace characters in Docker image names.
    • Fixes Kerberos authentication for long-running workflows by renewing the Kerberos ticket periodically.
    • Fixes status reporting for failed CWL and Snakemake jobs that were incorrectly considered successful.
    • Fixes redirection chain for non-signed-in CERN SSO users to access the desired target page after sign-in.
    • Fixes the ordering by size of the files showed in the Workspace tab of the workflow-details page.
    • Fixes CERN OIDC authentication to possibly allow eduGAIN and social login users.
    • Fixes wrong numbering of restarted workflows by limiting the number of times a workflow can be restarted to nine.
  • Administrators:
    • Adds new configuration environment variable reana_server.environment.REANA_SCHEDULER_REQUEUE_COUNT to set workflow requeue count in case of scheduling errors or busy cluster situations.
    • Adds "infinity" option to REANA_SCHEDULER_REQUEUE_COUNT to disable requeue count.
    • Adds support for Kubernetes clusters 1.22, 1.23, 1.24, 1.25.
    • Adds new configuration option workspaces.retention_rules.maximum_period to set a default period for workspace retention rules.
    • Adds new configuration option workspaces.retention_rules.cronjob_schedule to set how often pending retention rules should be applied.
    • Adds configuration environment variable reana_server.environment.REANA_RATELIMIT_SLOW to limit API requests to some protected endpoints e.g launch workflow.
    • Adds configuration environment variable reana_server.environment.REANA_WORKFLOW_SCHEDULING_READINESS_CHECK_LEVEL to define checks that are performed to assess whether the cluster is ready to start new workflows.
    • Adds new configuration option ingress.tls.self_signed_cert to enable the generation of a self-signed TLS certificate.
    • Adds new configuration option ingress.tls.secret_name to specify the name of the Kubernetes secret containing the TLS certificate to be used.
    • Adds support for configuring an additional volume to be used by the database and the message broker.
    • Adds new configuration option maintenance.enabled to scale down the cluster for maintenance.
    • Adds support for Unicode characters inside email body.
    • Adds queue-consume command that can be used by REANA administrators to remove specific messages from the queue.
    • Adds retention-rules-apply command that can be used by REANA administrators to apply pending retention rules.
    • Adds retention-rules-extend command that can be used by REANA administrators to extend the duration of active retentions rules.
    • Adds check-workflows command that can be used by REANA administrators to check for out-of-sync workflows and interactive sessions.
    • Changes configuration option quota.workflow_termination_update_policy to deactivate workflow termination accounting by default.
    • Changes Helm template to use PostgreSQL 12.13 version.
    • Changes the base image for most of the components to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and reduces final Docker image size by removing build-time dependencies.
    • Changes reana-auth-vomsproxy sidecar to the latest stable version to support client-side proxy file generation technique and ESCAPE VOMS.
    • Changes OAuth configuration to enable the new CERN SSO.
    • Changes job status consumer to improve logging for not-alive workflows.
    • Changes the deployment of interactive sessions to improve security by not automounting the Kubernetes service account token.
    • Changes the deployment of job-controller to avoid unnecessarily mounting the database's directory.
    • Changes the announcements to support limited HTML markup.
    • Changes REANA specification loading functionality to allow specifying different working directories.
    • Changes global setting of maximum number of parallel jobs to 300 for Snakemake workflow engine.
    • Fixes job status consumer by discarding invalid job IDs.
    • Fixes GitLab integration error reporting in case user exceeds CPU or Disk quota usage limits.
    • Fixes issue when irregular number formats are passed to REANA_SCHEDULER_REQUEUE_COUNT configuration environment variable.
    • Fixes quota updater to reduce memory usage.
    • Fixes conversion of possibly-negative resource usage values to human-readable formats.
    • Fixes disk quota updater to prevent setting negative disk quota usage values.
    • Removes support for Kubernetes version prior to 1.19.
  • Developers:
    • Adds OpenAPI specification support for launch endpoint that allows running workflows from remote sources.
    • Adds OpenAPI specification support for get_workflow_retention_rules endpoint that allows to retrieve the workspace file retention rules of a workflow.
    • Adds the remote origin of workflows submitted via Launch-on-REANA (launcher_url) to the workflow list endpoint.
    • Adds common utility functions for managing workspace files to reana-commons.
    • Changes default consumer prefetch count to handle 10 messages instead of 200 in order to reduce the probability of 406 PRECONDITION errors on message acknowledgement.
    • Changes git-upgrade-shared-modules to generate the correct upper-bound in
    • Changes REANA specification loading and validation functionalities by porting some of the logic to reana-commons.
    • Changes OpenAPI specification to include missing response schema elements.
    • Changes the Kubernetes Python client to use the networking/v1 API.
    • Changes the deployment of interactive sessions to use networking/v1 Kubernetes API.
    • Changes to Flask v2.
    • Changes /api/info endpoint to also include the kubernetes maximum memory...
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06 Dec 17:06
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REANA reproducible research data analysis platform