Volant is a flight controller for a quadcopter which is completely designed on a Arduino Uno and MPU-6050 (a MEMS 6 Axis Gyroscope and Accelerometer). The flight controller uses 4 channels of the reciever/transmitter to control the Roll, Pitch and Yaw of the quadcopter. The flight controller code by Joop Brokking was modified to build this flight controller. (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0K4VDicBzsibZqfa42DVxC8CGCMB7G2G)
- Arduino Uno Rev3 x1
- MPU-6050 x1
- ProtoShield for Arduino x1
- Hobby King 2.4Ghz 6Ch Tx & Rx V2 (Mode 2) x1
- Z-600 V3 Quadcopter Frame x1
- NTM Prop Drive 28-26 1000KV x4
- NTM Prop Drive 28 Series Accessory Pack x4
- Hobby King 30A ESC 3A UBEC x4
- Hobby King Slowfly Propeller 10x4.5 Black (CW/CCW) x1
- Hobby King Quadcopter Power Distribution Board x1