Code and figures for an analysis of climate indexes and conditions relevant for tourism in Slovenia.
Code is in the R folder:
- Analysis of CIT data from Copernicus is in
- Analysis of HCI data from Copernicus is in
- Choice of gridpoints from the Copernicus dataset (for CIT and HCI) is described in
- Analysis of snow indicators from Copernicus is in
- Analysis for a few chosen ARSO stations is in
- Calculation of CIT, HCI and ET from ARSO data is in
- The map of ski resorts and the three chosen locations is in
Figures are in the output folder.
The data used is not included in the repository. Copernicus CIT, HCI and snow datasets can be downloaded from DOI: 10.24381/cds.126d9ce7 and DOI: 10.24381/cds.2fe6a082. All other data was provided by ARSO (Slovenian Environment Agency). Historical station measurements were retreived from the ARSO archive, available at (accessed on March 4th 2022). Climate projections for the number of warm/hot days, tropical nights, number of days with snow cover and days with at least 1 mm/20 mm of precipitation were also provided by ARSO and are available upon reasonable request (see paper for contact information).