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Open source Software Development Workflow

Bradly Alicea edited this page Oct 5, 2021 · 1 revision

Development Workflow

Start the development workflow either by creating a new issue or by starting from an already existing issue in the repository. We expect that each contribution, whether major or minor, always starts from an issue. An issue can be either a bug report, accessibility report, usability report, or a feature request. When creating a new GitHub issue, please make sure to include as many details as possible. Please share your questions/comments in the issue to get things clarified before you start writing code.

When working on a new feature request, it will be a good idea to have discussions with the Rokwire Open Source community through GitHub issues, before starting design and development.

Now let's go through the instructions step by step. This material can also be found in the file located in each public repository.

  1. Create a fork of the repository and clone it to your development machine.

  2. Create a new branch from the develop branch. Please use the following naming convention for naming branches: -. For example, 201-add-maps-for-event-locations.

  3. Implement the code changes on your branch. Please make sure to update the CHANGELOG and relevant documentation as needed.

  4. From your branch in the forked repository, make a pull request against the develop branch in the root repository. Please follow the instructions and provide more details about your pull request using the pull request template.

  5. Please link your pull request to the GitHub issue that you are trying to implement or fix. Please see the relevant GitHub documentation on this.

  6. When the pull request is created, the code repository maintainer(s) gets added as reviewers automatically. Work with the maintainer(s) to get your change reviewed. The maintainer(s) may also invite other experts or developers as reviewers.

  7. After your pull request is reviewed and approved by the maintainer(s), a maintainer will merge your branch to the develop branch using a squash commit.

After your branch has been merged to the remote develop branch, pull the latest code from the remote repository to your forked repository to view your change in your development environment.

At this point, you may want to delete your local branch in your forked repository.

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