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Configuration WebUI Users

Frédéric MOHIER edited this page Sep 7, 2015 · 3 revisions

Web UI users

Login / authentication

All Shinken declared contacts are allowed to login the Web UI whereas an authentication module allows their login parameters.

Main authentication modules are :

  • auth-cfg-password (embedded), that uses the password set in Shinken contact for authentication.
  • auth-htpasswd (embedded), that uses an htpasswd file for authentication.
  • auth-active-directory (external), that uses Active Directory for authentication (and retrieve photos).
  • auth-ws-glpi (external), that uses Glpi Web Services for user authentication

An external module needs to be installed using shinken install CLI and then added in the modules property of the webui2.cfg configuration file. See [installaing an authentication modules][ins-authenticating] for more information.

Specific contact properties

Some properties in the Shinken contact definition are specific to the WebUI.

define contact{
   use                  generic-contact
   contact_name         admin
   alias                Administrator
   email                shinken@localhost
   pager                0600000000   ; contact phone number
   password             admin
   is_admin             1
   can_submit_commands  0
   expert               1

password is required if you use the auth-cfg-password module. is_admin to define the user as an administrator can_submit_commands indicates that the user can launch commands on the elements.

User role / profile

An administrator user is allowed to see all the elements. A non administrator user (user) is only allowed to see the elements he is attached to.

An expert user ... to be defined ! Shinken contact owns this property ...

User picture

The user picture used in the Web UI are locally stored in a directory defined in the webui2.cfg file (photos_dir, that defauls to /var/lib/shinken/share/photos/).

The user picture used is a PNG file named with the login username (eg. admin.png).

If gravatar is configured in the webui.cfg file, the Web UI tries to find a Gravatar image to use for the logged in user.

If gravatar is not configured in the webui.cfg file, the Web UI tries to find an image username.png to use for the logged in user.

If none found, a default image is used:

Default admin user picture

Default guest user picture

Default standard user picture

Company logo

A company logo is used in the Web UI. The default company logo is a Shinken logo.

Default company logo

To use another logo, the file name must be set in the webui2.cfg file (company_logo) and the file must be copied in the *photos_dir (default is /var/lib/shinken/share/photos/).