- There are two basic structures of Json
- One is object, which is wrapped by { }
- The other is array, which is wrapped by [ ]
- Json object can have zero or more fields
- Each field has name and value
- Below example has one field, of which "name" is "person" and "value" is "john"
{ "person": "john" }
Schema is written as Json of which root element should be 'array'
It is because Schema Json file can contain multiple set of Schema
Each Schema set is called Schema Record
[ // root is always array { }, // one schema set, which I call 'record' { } // second schema record ]
The schema record has fields: 'type', 'namespace', 'name', 'fields'
[ { "type" : "object" "namespace" : "schema.omp" "name": "lead" "fields" : [ { "name": "age", "type": "Integer" }, { "name": "job", "type": "String" } ] }, { // another schema record } ]
- 'type' : it is either 'object' or 'array'
- 'namespace' : it is to avoid naming conflicts (ex) schema.omp
- 'name' : name of the schema (ex) lead
- note that full name of schema record is referred as [namespace].[name]
- full name example: schema.omp.lead
- 'fields' contains the information of fields inside Json obejct or Json array
- each field consists of field "name" and field "type"
- for example, { "name" : "age", "type" : "Integer" }
- 7 types exist for type-checking
- 6 types coming from Java data types
- String, Integer, BigInteger, Double, Boolean, OffsetDateTime
- Type-checking is simply to ensure the value can be parsed with that type
- for example, if value is "10.2", it can't be pared as Integer
- 1 more type for passing around the type-checking process
- TypeCheckingPass
- 6 types coming from Java data types
- You can define customized types (see below section)
- A customized type is a schema record
- To use customized type, use full name of it as "type"
- for example, if schema record's full name is schema.person
{ "name" : "person", "type" : "schema.person" }
- This example's root structure is "object" not "array" since the outer-most wrapping is done by { and }
- This example contains 3 fields: name, age, hobbies
- The fields 'hobbies' has an array of objects as its value
{ "name": "john", "age": 30, "hobbies": [ { "name" : "soccer", "howFreq": 10 }, { "name" : "swimming", "howFreq": 1} ] }
"type": "object", // this is referring to the root structure, which always is either 'object' or 'array'
"namespace": "simple",
"name": "object",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "String"}, // There are 6 types supported: String, Integer, BigInteger, Double, Boolean, OffsetDateTime
{"name": "age", "type": "Integer"},
{"name": "hobbies", "type": "hobby.array"} // This is Customized type, "hobby.array" refers to the full name of the other schema record
"type": "array", // this is referring to the array of objects (hobbies field)
"namespace": "hobby",
"name": "array", // full name is "hobby.array"
"doc": "simple sub array",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "String"},
{"name": "howFreq", "type": "Integer"}
- This does the same thing as the previous example
"type": "object",
"namespace": "simple",
"name": "test",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "String"},
{"name": "age", "type": "Integer"},
{"name": "hobbies", "type": "hobby.object[]"} // It is possible to make an array from an object by attaching [] at the end of the full name
"type": "object", // note that it is 'object'
"namespace": "hobby",
"name": "object", // full name is 'hobby.object'
"doc": "simple",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "String"},
{"name": "howFreq", "type": "Integer"}
- please note that it's possible to use String[], Integer[] and so on
- use prefix "$REGEX$"
- use escape characters where they are needed
- example
[ { "type": "object", "namespace": "simple", "name": "test", "fields": [ {"name": "$REGEX$\\/applicant-details\\/applicant-([0-9])+\\/address-history", "type": "String"} ] } }
- if the field name is "/applicant-details/applicant-2/address-history", it is valid
- use property "rule" and prefix "$REGEX$"
- use escape characters where they are needed
- example
[ { "type": "object", "namespace": "simple", "name": "test4", "doc": "validation schema", "fields" : [ { "name": "SimpleEmail", "type": "String", "rule": "$REGEX$\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+"} ] } ]
- use prefix
or - following letters will the value to be the condition
- Following example will
- examine if the "type" field has "Lead" value
- examine if the "key" field doesn't have "null" value
"type": "object",
"namespace": "schema.salesforce",
"name": "leadFromLead",
"doc": "schema for lead for salesforce",
"fields": [
{ "name": "type", "type": "String", "rule": "$EQUAL$Lead" }
{ "name": "key", "type": "String", "rule": "$NOT_EQUAL$null" }
- use property "required" and set as "true"
- don't forget double quotes around true
- example
[ { "type": "object", "namespace": "simple", "name": "test4", "doc": "validation schema", "fields" : [ { "name": "address-history", "type": "String", "required": "true" } ] } ]
- Instantiate validator with schema json file
- example
SchemaValidator schemaValidator = new SchemaValidator("testData/schema/salesforceSchema.json");
- Run validator with JsonElement (gson class)
JsonElement json = [some process] boolean isValid = schemaValidator.runWithJsonElement(json, "simple.test"); // the second argument 'simple.test' is the full name of the schema record of root element
- Run validator with Json file
boolean isValid = schemaValidator.runWithJsonFile("example/simpleStructure.json", "simple.test");
- Run editor to manipulate schema first and pass the edited schema to Validator
// load schema file to Editor SchemaEditor editor = new SchemaEditor("example/example6/usingEditor_schema.json"); // edit editor.setFieldRequired("simple.test6", "field1"); editor.setFieldRuleEqualTo("simple.test6", "field1", "abc"); // pass the edited schema to Validator ArrayList<SchemaRecord> schemas = editor.getSchemas(); SchemaValidator validator = new SchemaValidator(schemas); // Run validator boolean isValid = validator.run("example/example6/usingEditor.json", "simple.test6");